Backtracing Function Calls

ShawnCplus 0 Tallied Votes 77 Views Share

So you've got this big long function chain and PHP's oh-so-helpful Fatal Error messages aren't helping at all. Here's a quick example of how to do a function backtrace without throwing exceptions.


=>[0] => Array
    [file] => someFile.php
    [line] => 4
=> Hello World
function foo()
  $blah = bar('hello');
  echo $blah;
function bar($foo)
  // $function_calls will contain the entire backtrace of calls to `bar`
  // $current_call will contain information for the latest call to `bar`
  $function_calls = array();
  foreach(debug_backtrace() as $key=>$value) {
    if($value['function'] == __FUNCTION__) {
      $function_calls[] = array('file'=>$value['file'], 'line'=>$value['line']);
  $current_call = $function_calls[0];
  return $foo.' World';

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