This is my php side of my return form, problem is I can't get the radio buttons show up when the submit is clicked.

Any suggestions

Thanks in advance.:)



if ($email) { $from .= $email; }

if ($name) { $message .= "Name: $name \n"; }
if ($jobtitle) { $message .= "Job Title: $jobtitle \n"; }
if ($email) { $message .= "Email: $email \n"; }
if ($telephonenumber) { $message .= "Telephone Number: $telephonenumber \n"; }
if ($businessname) { $message .= "Business Name: $businessname \n"; }
if ($businessaddress) { $message .= "Business Address: $businessaddress \n"; }
if ($typebusiness) { $message .= "Business Type: $typebusiness \n"; }
if ($noemployees) { $message .= "No of Employees: $noemployees \n"; }
$toolcover = $_POST["Tool Cover: $toolcover"];

$to = "";
$subject = "Professional Indemnity Insurnace Enquiry (";

mail ($to, $subject, $message, " From $from", "-f$from");

Could be because there aren't any radio buttons ..... ;-)

Not in this sample code anyway! You need to give a little more information.

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