sunny124 0 Light Poster


I have created a registration form. When the user clicks submit it goes to processRegister.asp. This is where it checks whether the username and email already exits in the database.

When i enter a email that is already in the database, the error message for the email and the username shows up.. Even if i entered a completely new username that is not in the database.

The email error message is working... but why does the username error message show up.

The email's do while loop excutes right after the do while loop for username has executed.

The block of code right towards the bottom excutes in register.asp page.

' code for username loop

Do while not objRegisterRecordSet.EOF
	if objRegisterRecordSet("tUserName") = Request.Form("user") then
			 Session("invaliduserName") = true  ' username entered is in database
			 exit do ' exits this loop
			 UserNamecounter = UserNamecounter + 1  ' username entered was not in that record
		end if
		objRegisterRecordSet.MoveNext ' goes to next record
'code for email loop

Do while not objRegisterRecordSet.EOF
	if objRegisterRecordSet("tEmail") = Request.Form("email") then
		Session("invalidEmail") = true ' email entered is in database
		exit do ' exits loop
		Emailcounter = Emailcounter +1 ' email entered was not found at this record
	end if
	objRegisterRecordSet.MoveNext ' goes to next record
if Session("invalidEmail") = true OR Session("invaliduserName") = true then
	' if username or email entered was found in database go to register.asp page
	end if
'code for register.asp
	if Session("invaliduserName") = true then
	<p class="InvalidUsernameAndEmailRegisterd"> <% Response.write("The user name entered is already taken... Please choose another user name") %>
		Session("invaliduserName") = false
 		End if %>
		if Session("invaliduserName") = false then
		<p class="InvalidUsernameAndEmailRegisterd"> <% Response.write("")  %></p>

 End if %>
	if Session("invalidEmail") = true then 
<p class="InvalidUsernameAndEmailRegisterd">
	<% Response.Write("The email entered already exist in our database... Either you are already a memeber or you have given an incorrect email. Please enter an correct email please.")
	Session("invalidEmail") = false
end if %>

	if Session("invalidEmail") = false then
	<p class="tabledata"> <% Response.write("")  %></p>

 End if %>
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