punithapary 0 Light Poster

I am trying to design some webpages in that webpages i used following codes but in internet explorer i got corret wedsiging what i degisned i got the same only but if i run the same page in mozila firbox i cannot get the same page in mozila font size and color gets changed can anyone tell how can i change this code.

               <td colspan="4" height="29"><%if dtype<>"b" then response.Write("<a href=DealerProduct.asp?id="&dID&"&tem="&pid&"><b><font face= Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif size=2 color=#DB8504>"&dName&"</font></b></a>") else response.Write("<a href=javascript:catalogdeal('"&dID&"','"&pid&"')><b><font face= Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif size=3 color=#DB8504>"&dName&"</font></b></a>") end if%></td>


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