I'm trying to implement a Prototype scoller.js script within my site, and functionally and aesthetically its working fairly well. However there are two problems that I need someone who knows what they're doing to help me with.

My site you can see the problem:


#1. When initially visiting the site, the scroller (on the right side of the screen) shows only a portion of the news items. But when you move the scroller the right column fills out with the rest of the news items, and scrolls through fine. Any reason why this would be? I would, obviously, prefer to have the right column filled out.

#2. The URL seems to be counting the position of the scroll handle as it moves down the scrollbar...I, of course, don't know why. Any suggestions?

Here is the scroller script that I'm working with:

/*  Control.Scroller, version 1.1
 *  Copyright (c) 2008, Glenn Nilsson <glenn.nilsson@gmail.com>
 *  Control.Scroller is distributed under the terms of an Creative Commons
 *  Attribution license. In short words, you can use this however you like
 *  as long as you give me and the code credit. Read more at:
 *  <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/>
 *  Requirements: Prototype framework <http://prototype.conio.net/> and
 *  slider.js from <http://wiki.script.aculo.us/scriptaculous/show/Slider>
 *  For details, see: <http://wailqill.com/projects/scroller/>
Control.Scroller = Class.create();
Control.Scroller.scrollers = [];
Control.Scroller.prototype = {
	initialize: function(content, handle, track, options) {
		this.id = "scroller"
		this.content = $(content);
		this.handle = $(handle);
		this.track = $(track);
		this.currentValue = 0;

		/* Slider-options */
		this.options = Object.extend({
			axis: 'vertical',
			onChange: function(value)  {
			onSlide: function(value)  {
		}, options);
		var self = this;
		/* Scroller-options */
		this.options = Object.extend({
			scrollOnHover: false,
			visibleHeight: this.isVertical() ? 830 : this.content.offsetHeight,
			visibleWidth: this.isVertical() ? this.content.offsetWidth : 280,
			delta: 20,
			autoHide: false,
			interval: 100
		}, this.options);
		this.maxValue = this.isVertical() ?
				this.content.offsetHeight - this.options.visibleHeight - this.handle.offsetHeight :
				this.content.offsetWidth - this.options.visibleWidth - this.handle.offsetWidth;
		this.options.range = $R(0, this.maxValue);

		this.buttons = {
			up: $(this.options.up),
			down: $(this.options.down)

    // Ensure that the scroller is needed.
    //var children = $A(this.content.childNodes);
		//var wrapper = this.content.insert({top:new Element("div", { "class": "scroller-content-wrapper" })});
		//children.each(function(child) {
		//  wrapper.insert(child);
    if ((this.isVertical() && this.content.offsetHeight <= this.options.visibleHeight) || (!this.isVertical() && this.content.offsetWidth <= this.options.visibleWidth)) {
		  if (this.options.autoHide)
		    [this.track, this.handle, this.buttons.up, this.buttons.down].invoke("show");
		this.content.style.height = this.options.visibleHeight+"px";
		this.eventMouseAction = this.buttonAction.bindAsEventListener(this);
   		$H(this.buttons).values().each(function(button) {
			if (self.options.scrollOnHover) {
				Event.observe(button, "mouseover", self.eventMouseAction);
				Event.observe(button, "mouseout", self.eventMouseAction);
			} else {
				Event.observe(button, "mousedown", self.eventMouseAction);
				Event.observe(button, "mouseup", self.eventMouseAction);
		this.slider = new Control.Slider(this.handle, this.track, this.options);
	isVertical: function() {
		return this.options.axis == 'vertical';
	buttonAction: function(e) {
		this.multiplier = Event.element(e) == this.buttons.up ? -1 : 1;
		switch (e.type) {
			case "mouseover":
			case "mousedown":
				var self = this;
				this.timer = setInterval(function() { self.scroll() }, self.options.interval);
			case "mouseout":
			case "mouseup":
	scroll: function() {
		this.slider.setValue(this.currentValue + this.options.delta * this.multiplier, 0);
	updateView: function(value) {
		this.currentValue = value;
		if (this.options.axis == "vertical") {
			this.content.style.marginTop = (-this.currentValue) + "px";
			this.content.style.height = (this.options.visibleHeight+this.currentValue)+"px";
			this.content.style.clip = 'rect('+value+'px '+this.options.visibleWidth+'px '+(this.options.visibleHeight+this.currentValue)+'px 0px)';
		} else {
			this.content.style.marginLeft = (-this.currentValue) + "px";
			this.content.style.clip = 'rect(0 '+(this.options.visibleHeight+this.currentValue)+'px '+this.options.visibleHeight+'px '+value+'px)';
		(this.options.onScroll || Prototype.emptyFunction)(value, this);

Thank you for any help!

Ok, I solved the visibility issue - which was a css problem.

the second issue with the numbers in the url I have not solved.

Any explanations on that?


I figured this problem out. It was in the this script in the header:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
	// <![CDATA[
	$(document).observe("dom:loaded", function() {
		new Control.Scroller( 'content', 'handle', 'track', {
			up: "button-up",
			down: "button-down",
			onScroll: function(value, scroller) {
				document.title = none;
	// ]]>

Had to change:

document.title = none;

from "value" to "none"

Thanks for anyone who had a look.

commented: Well done +12
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