I'm only writing this in the php section, because php is really all I know. My wife purchased a big package of downloads from a site, and now she has to go and download them all, because she only has 7 days to download them. So she has to click on a link in her email, go to the page, then click on the download link in that page.

I wish I could write a script that would peruse that email, grab all the links to the different pages, then one by one, go to each link, grab the download link, and download it. But I don't know how to do it!

Any ideas?

If you download FreeDownloadManager, you can just copy and paste the email into the program, and it will get your files.

Unless you really want to create this yourself of course. Then you need to save and open the email in php (file_get_contents). Parse the text for url's and try to get them using fopen.

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