I need an ASP code that will allow me to search my database from my website that will retrive data from my database back to my website. I also need to edit and delete infromation once the data has been retrived.

can anyone help.

Sounds like a web application to me. I would recommend heading over to w3schools..... best place to start learning classic asp IMHO.

Look up the ADO, ASP and VBSCRIPT categories and post back here if you have specific questions.

Generally, you will need to:
1: use a form to get search criteria from user
2: validate the input to check for sql injection and bad input
3: query the database and retrieve data using a recordset
4: display the returned data via a form with proper inputs or use a datagrid control
5: provide a save button which submits the data back to a processing script which again validates the date and uses a "UPDATE" sql command to save the data.

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