Hello, I'm new to javascript, and need some help, why the following code refuses to do anything.

<style type="text/css">

.btn.sfhover, .btn:hover

<script type="text/javascript">
sfHover = function() {
var sfEls = document.getElementById(„btn”);
sfEls.onmouseover=function() {
this.className+=” sfhover”;

sfEls.onmouseout=function() {
this.className.replace(new RegExp( „sfhover\\b”), „”);

If(window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent(„onload”, sfHover);

<body onLoad="sfHover">

<input type="button" class="btn" value="value"/>


I get the error "sfHover isn't defined". What am I doing wrong? The purpose of the code would be to add a :hover (here: .sfHover) css pseudo-class on the mouseover event, to work in IE.
Any clues?

Thanks in advance.

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Do it this way:

<script type="text/javascript">
var sfEls;
var sfHover = function() {
sfEls = document.getElementById("btn");
   sfEls.onmouseover = function() {
   this.className += "sfhover"; };
   sfEls.onmouseout = function() {
// simply assign the class again, instead of replacing it.

   this.className = "someClass" }; 

if (window.addEventListener)
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.onload = sfHover; 

and remove the attached onload event which is stated on the your <body> tag.

Thanks you very much, it worked perfectly well!

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