how do i script a php echo for info stored in mysql so it is rendered as a hyperlink to its website?

here is the script i am trying to edit: highlighted in red is what i need to change for the echo to href.

				<?php if($this->team->t_official_website){?>
					<td width="110" class="team_info">
						<?php echo JText::_("OFFICIAL WEBSITE");?> : 
			           [B]<?php echo $this->team->t_official_website ;?>[/B]
				</tr><?php } ?>

here is my test site if you want to take a look:

when on my site click standings? eastern division and you will see the team tab with the website which isnt active...


    echo '<a href="';
    echo $this->team->t_official_website;
    echo '">';
    echo $this->team->t_official_website;
    echo '</a>';					                    	
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