Nishara 0 Newbie Poster


I want to store user name and password of a client in a cookie.I don't know how to do this in a proper manner.I tried coding simple program.The browser that I'm using is internet explorer(ie).If I put a cookie or not ,anyhow ie prompt a msg for the user asking whether to remember the password or not.Is that an ie feature??
Plz help me.

HttpCookie userInfoCookie = new HttpCookie("User Info");
            userInfoCookie["Name"] = txtName.Text;
            userInfoCookie["Password"] = txtPswd.Text;


            userInfoCookie = Request.Cookies["userImfo"];

            String userName;
            if (userInfoCookie != null)

            Response.Cookies["Name"].Value = txtName.Text;
            Response.Cookies["Name"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5);

            Response.Cookies["Password"].Value = txtPswd.Text;
            Response.Cookies["Password"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5);

Thank You.