Hi All,
I have a question.

How to track the how many times a link is clicked (by any user across the web) in a day?

If I use onClick() on href, its of no use because it is only for a single session.

Please advise.

You'll need to store it somewhere, e.g. in a database.

Another option would be to use a third party tracker, e.g. google analytics.

Ya, even I was thinking of the same.

Can anything other than this cannot be done?

You have to use instead of session, application.
IN JSP, using beans. You can specify the bean/object to be application then a session.

This used as well to keep counter how many times ur site been visited

I'm supposed to do only using Javascript

Please advise on this

Only javascript ? That would be rather difficult, if not impossible.

ya :(

html & Javascript only

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