EPierre 0 Newbie Poster

I'm working on this since 3 days, grabbing the web looking after ideas.
Hope someone faced this problem and solved it.
All is about a picture site
Here how it's doing:
There are about 15 items with different options offered to the customers. A combination of size, number of figures, frame and quantity determine the price (see attached file).
The customer have to upload an image (500k or less in.jpg/.png) and add comments about his order ( 100 words max).
Each uploaded file has to be stored in dbase_MySQL (yymmddhhmmss.jpg/png) with the possibility to insert it in an invoice page.
As price will change any time, it will be hard-coded.
At last, the number of figures is limited for some small sizes and the framing is not possible for big sizes. codes I can adapt to fit my project. Instead of doing all from scratch, is it possible to indicate me some Even I am very certain its a lot of work, I hope to get help from you.
The attached file explain more than 10 000 words what it is.


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