I'm wondering, should I do any advanced security checks for view-only ordering functions.


when I just only use this data in echo for pagination:

$i = 0;
echo "<div>
<a href='/?products=".$data['cat']."&amp;order=".$_GET['order']."&amp;ord=".$_GET['ord']."&page=".$i+1."'>NEXT PAGE</a>";

JUST IN ECHO CASE. These $_GET's doesn't used anywhere else(ex. sql queries etc.)...

Is there is any way hacker to harm the page by changing the url params "order" or "ord", that could affect server, or other users.

If so,
does this include at the top of file, would be helpfull ?

// Prevent any possible XSS attacks via $_GET.
foreach ($_GET as $check_url) {
	if ((eregi("<[^>]*script*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) || (eregi("<[^>]*object*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) ||
		(eregi("<[^>]*iframe*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) || (eregi("<[^>]*applet*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) ||
		(eregi("<[^>]*meta*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) || (eregi("<[^>]*style*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) ||
		(eregi("<[^>]*form*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) || (eregi("\([^>]*\"?[^)]*\)", $check_url)) ||
		(eregi("\"", $check_url))) {
	die ();

Thanks for any help :)

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I'm wondering, should I do any advanced security checks for view-only ordering functions.


when I just only use this data in echo for pagination:

$i = 0;
echo "<div>
<a href='/?products=".$data['cat']."&amp;order=".$_GET['order']."&amp;ord=".$_GET['ord']."&page=".$i+1."'>NEXT PAGE</a>";

JUST IN ECHO CASE. These $_GET's doesn't used anywhere else(ex. sql queries etc.)...

Is there is any way hacker to harm the page by changing the url params "order" or "ord", that could affect server, or other users.

If so,
does this include at the top of file, would be helpfull ?

// Prevent any possible XSS attacks via $_GET.
foreach ($_GET as $check_url) {
	if ((eregi("<[^>]*script*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) || (eregi("<[^>]*object*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) ||
		(eregi("<[^>]*iframe*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) || (eregi("<[^>]*applet*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) ||
		(eregi("<[^>]*meta*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) || (eregi("<[^>]*style*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) ||
		(eregi("<[^>]*form*\"?[^>]*>", $check_url)) || (eregi("\([^>]*\"?[^)]*\)", $check_url)) ||
		(eregi("\"", $check_url))) {
	die ();

Thanks for any help :)

i was wondering the same thing. like mysql_real_escape_string () even if its not bein g inserted into the database? i dont know... though hope someone replies


It this case there isn't really much of a security risk. Only risk of a user messing up his own navigation links, really.
However, rules #1, #2 and #3 in web-development are to ALWAYS validate ALL user input, so I would suggest that you do so. - Just because we can't see a way to exploit this, it doesn't mean a skilled hacker couldn't. ;)

I would recommend that you verify the values and run them through the urlencode function, just to be safe.

$i = 0;

// Fetch and validate the ORDER BY column
// (Assumes the value can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores)
$order = $_GET['order'];
if(!preg_match('/[\w\d_]+/i', $order)) {
    $order = 'default'; // <-- Insert your default value here!
$order = urlencode($order);

// Fetch and validate the ORDER BY direction
$ord = strtolower($_GET['ord']);
if($ord != 'asc' && $ord != 'desc') {
    $ord = 'asc'; // <-- Insert your default value here!
$ord = urlencode($ord);

echo "<div><a href='/?products={$data['cat']}&amp;order={$order}&amp;ord={$ord}&page={$i}'>NEXT PAGE</a>";

htmlentities() :D

That is used to encode text that is to be injected into HTML markup, not URLs.

commented: Thanks for informative reply +1
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