neocoder 0 Light Poster

Hey everybody, thought I'd let you know about a JavaScript framework I released lately called SceneJS.

Here's the "elevator pitch":

SceneJS is an open source JavaScript framework that allows you to program hardware-accellerated 3D scenes that run in the Web browser without plugins. SceneJS operates on top of the WebGL canvas, which is supported by at least Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari. Its scene graphs are programmed in pure JavaScript, in a terse functional style. This enables them be dynamically composed from expressive, cross-domain JavaScript "assets" that quickly load and evaluate into the scene with minimal impact on scene responsiveness.

It's at beta status and there is much, much more on the roadmap to knock off before it's ready for people to use seriously.

You'll need a dev build (snapshot) of Firefox, with WebGL enabled.

Go take a look and please leave some feedback!
