I wrote this code and I can't get it disappear on mouseout..

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
	var activeLayer = "0";
	function highlight(theLayer)
			highlighter = document.all? document.all[theLayer] : document.getElementById? document.getElementById(theLayer) : ""		
	function lowlight(theLayer)
			lowlighter = document.all? document.all[theLayer] : document.getElementById? document.getElementById(theLayer) : ""		
	function JumpToNav(navIndex)
			newNav	= "NavMenu"+navIndex;
			newCon	= "NavContent"+navIndex;
			oldNav	= "NavMenu"+activeLayer;
			oldCon	= "NavContent"+activeLayer;
			newNavLayer	= document.all? document.all[newNav] : document.getElementById? document.getElementById(newNav) : ""		
			newConLayer	= document.all? document.all[newCon] : document.getElementById? document.getElementById(newCon) : ""		

			oldNavLayer	= document.all? document.all[oldNav] : document.getElementById? document.getElementById(oldNav) : ""		
			oldConLayer	= document.all? document.all[oldCon] : document.getElementById? document.getElementById(oldCon) : ""					
			activeLayer = navIndex;
	function buildObject(obj){

You apply the show hide like this:

 <li id="NavMenu0" onmouseover="JumpToNav(0);"><a href="#nogo">1 - blah blah blah blah blah </a></li>
 <li id="NavMenu1" onmouseover="JumpToNav(1);"><a href="#nogo">2 - blah blah blah blah blah </a></li>

The problem is when you mouseout any of the links the menu stays visible...

Can somebody help please?


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All 2 Replies

You didn't post working code. Where is the content piece of html. I don't see where you are doing any onMouseOut or have not posted any code that would even begin to act like you say.

I tried the code. Removed all the javascript references to con. Then I realized what the code that was left does absolutly nothing.

I tried a onmouseout tag on the <li> tag and now you can't mouseover the popup...

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
	var activeLayer = "0";
	function highlight(theLayer)
			highlighter = document.all? document.all[theLayer] : document.getElementById? document.getElementById(theLayer) : ""		
	function lowlight(theLayer)
			lowlighter = document.all? document.all[theLayer] : document.getElementById? document.getElementById(theLayer) : ""		
	function JumpToNav(navIndex)
			newNav	= "NavMenu"+navIndex;
			newCon	= "NavContent"+navIndex;
			oldNav	= "NavMenu"+activeLayer;
			oldCon	= "NavContent"+activeLayer;
			newNavLayer	= document.all? document.all[newNav] : document.getElementById? document.getElementById(newNav) : ""		
			newConLayer	= document.all? document.all[newCon] : document.getElementById? document.getElementById(newCon) : ""		

			oldNavLayer	= document.all? document.all[oldNav] : document.getElementById? document.getElementById(oldNav) : ""		
			oldConLayer	= document.all? document.all[oldCon] : document.getElementById? document.getElementById(oldCon) : ""					
			activeLayer = navIndex;
	function buildObject(obj){
 <li id="NavMenu0" onmouseover="JumpToNav(0);"><a href="#nogo">1 - blah blah blah blah blah </a></li>
 <li id="NavMenu1" onmouseover="JumpToNav(1);"><a href="#nogo">2 - blah blah blah blah blah </a></li>
<div id="NavContent0" style="display:none; position:absolute; left:80px; top:80px; height:100px; width:100px; z-index:999;">1</div>
<div id="NavContent1" style="display:none; position:absolute; left:90px; top:80px; height:100px; width:100px; z-index:999;">2</div>
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