0 Newbie Poster

I’ve been fighting this for a few days now. I’ve found some wonderful tutorials that get REALLY close to what I’m doing, but I guess I’m too dumb to figure the last step out. I understand it in theory but I’m hoping someone can help me complete this project.

What I’m Trying To Do:
Basically, if you can remember back in grade school gym class, when you had to pick teams for dodge ball, I’m doing that. I’m building a team picker. So before anyone has been picked I would like a grouping of unsorted eligible team members (pulled from my database). I've got that part done. The admin will login to the page, see the team members and move them to the correct teams. I also have this part done as well. This information will be stored in a database so when the admin next comes to the site it’s how he left it last time he was there. Here is the problem. How do I save the data?

My Data Base:
One table: ‘People’ with 4 Columns: ‘id’, ‘name’, ‘district’ and ‘sort’

My issue is, how can I update my ‘sort’ column in the database with the information provided by the user? So when the admin moves a person from the unsorted table (sort = 0) to team1 table (sort = 1) it will update the db?

Please let me know what code you need from me and I will happily provide it.