mIssy_ricco -3 Light Poster

Hi all. I've been trying to do a sliding panel. all that i can find was collpasible panel. But it moves with my background as well. I didn't want my background to move. Can anyone help me? What I did was.

<ajaxToolkit:CollapsiblePanelExtender ID="CollapsiblePanelExtender1" runat="server"
                                        CollapseControlID="LBCollapse" ExpandControlID="LBExpand" CollapsedSize="0" CollapsedText="Expand it "
                                        ExpandedSize="200" CollapsedImage="Images/TopRedGray.jpg" ExpandedText="Colapse it "
                                        SuppressPostBack="true" TargetControlID="PanelSlide" TextLabelID="label1" Collapsed="True"
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