i cannot pass the result of mysql_fetch_object to another function.

function sessionStartCase($challenge,$user,$pass){
 global $conn;
	$ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
	$url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
	if (isset($challenge) && isset($user) && isset($pass)) {
		$password = getPasswordForCase($user);

	echo $result->case_user_id;
	//if( @mysql_num_rows($row) ) {
		//$result = @mysql_fetch_object($row);
		if (validate($challenge, $pass, $password)) {
		echo "valid";
		echo $result->case_user_id;
		//$_SESSION['gelCase'] = 1;
		echo $result->case_user_type;
		$_SESSION['userId'] = $result->case_user_id;
		$_SESSION['type'] = $result->case_user_type;
		$_SESSION['userName'] = $result->case_user_name;
		$_SESSION['geltime'] = time();
addLoginLog($user, $ipaddress, 'Login Successful', $url);
		if($_SESSION['type'] == 3){
			header("Location: admin.php");
		}elseif($_SESSION['type'] == 2){
			header("Location: officer.php");
		}elseif($_SESSION['type'] == 1){
			header("Location: staff.php");
	else {
	echo "fail";
addLoginLog($user, $ipaddress, 'Login Failed', $url);
		$error= " <p style='color:#FF0000'>User Login Failed</p>";
		return $error;

function getPasswordForCase($username) {
	global $conn;
	$ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
	$url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
	if(checkIPAddress($ipaddress)) {
	//$user = escape($username);
	//$query = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_name='" . $user . "'";
		$query = @sprintf("SELECT * FROM case_user WHERE case_user_login ='%s'",escape($username));
		//$query="SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_name ='admin'";
		$row = caseQuery($query) or die("Unkown Error");
		if( @mysql_num_rows($row) ) {
			$result = @mysql_fetch_object($row);
			//addLoginLog($user, $ipaddress, 'Login Successful', $url);
			$userPass = $result->case_user_pass;
		}else {
			addLoginLog($username, $ipaddress, 'Login Failed', $url);
			header("Location:index.php?error=".urlencode("Failed authentication"));
		header("Location:index.php?error=".urlencode("Access denied.<br />You are blocked from loging in"));

	return $userPass;

the values that im getting in the getPasswordForCase function cannot be read in the sessionStartCase function.....can you tell me what im doin wrong?

at first glance you have passed in the username to a function, where another function is called that uses $username. You havent passed username into that function again

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