Hi all,
I have an if statement here that works well except when i try to put it inside of the code you see starting at line 7. What you see on line 1 is only the code I want to insert. The code you see at line 5 is inside of a while loop if that helps.
if (is_null($avatar)) { echo "<img src=\"avatars/thumbs/default.jpg\"class=\"thumb\" alt=\"Avatar\" />"; } else { echo "<img src=\"avatars/thumbs/$avatar\"class=\"thumb\"alt=\"Avatar\" />";}
if ($ulevel == '1' && !$inactive) {
$display .= "<tr id=\"item_" . $row['id'] . "\">"
." <td><img src=\"avatars/thumbs/$avatar\"class=\"thumb\" alt=\"Avatar\" /><br/>" . $uname . "</td>"
." <td>" . $email . "<br/><br/><br/><a href=\"user_profile.php?view_profile=$uname\">See agents profile here</a></td>"
." <td>" . $time . "</td>"
." </tr>\n";
I have tried the following:
if ($ulevel == '1' && !$inactive) {
$display .= "<tr id=\"item_" . $row['id'] . "\">"
." <td>"if (is_null($avatar)) { echo "<img src=\"avatars/thumbs/default.jpg\"class=\"thumb\" alt=\"Avatar\" />"; } else { echo "<img src=\"avatars/thumbs/$avatar\"class=\"thumb\"alt=\"Avatar\" />";}"<br/>" . $uname . "</td>"
." <td>" . $email . "<br/><br/><br/><a href=\"user_profile.php?view_profile=$uname\">See agents profile here</a></td>"
." <td>" . $time . "</td>"
." </tr>\n";
Thanks in advance for any help,