andrewliu 0 Junior Poster


I have a search engine that I've created. It searches my MySQL database, but I was wondering how do you make it so it won't refresh the page?

This is my form.php

global $search_term;
global $location_term;

<form action="index2.php" name="form" style="float:right;width:650px;height:60px;margin-right:30px;" onSubmit="return searchLocations();" >
<table style="float:right;"><tr>
  <label for="testinput"><b>Search</b></label><br />

  <label for="testinput"><b>Location</b></label><br />
  <input name="search_term" id="search_term" type="text" style="height:23px; margin-right:20px;font-size: 16px" value="<?PHP echo $search_term; ?>" size="36" autocomplete="off"/></td>
  <input name="addressInput" id="addressInput" type="text" style="height:23px;margin-right:10px;font-size: 16px" value="<?PHP echo $location_term; ?>" size="36" autocomplete="off"/></td><td>
  <select id="radiusSelect">

      <option value="25" selected>25</option>
      <option value="100">100</option>

      <option value="200">200</option>


 <input type="submit" name="search_button" style= "padding: 5px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;" value="Search" onClick="searchLocations();" />

This is my search_query.php file

global $search_term;
global $location_term;
global $results;
function getmicrotime()
    list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
    return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
$connection_string = "connectionstring.php";
mysql_select_db("chef") or die ( 'Unable to select database.' );
if(isset($_GET['search_term']) && isset($_GET['addressInput']) && isset($_GET['search_button']))
      $search_term = $_GET['search_term'];
	  $location_term = $_GET['addressInput'];
		$first_pos = $_GET['first_pos'];
        $first_pos = 0;

    $start_search = getmicrotime();
    $sql_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM searchengine WHERE MATCH(product) AGAINST('$search_term') AND MATCH(location) AGAINST('$location_term')");

    if($results = mysql_num_rows($sql_query) != 0)
                $sql =  "SELECT * FROM searchengine WHERE MATCH(product) AGAINST('$search_term') AND MATCH(location) AGAINST('$location_term') LIMIT $first_pos, $RESULTS_LIMIT";
                  $sql_result_query = mysql_query($sql);   
                  $sql = "SELECT * FROM searchengine WHERE (product LIKE '%".mysql_real_escape_string($search_term)."%' AND location LIKE '%".mysql_real_escape_string($location_term)."%') ";
                  $sql_query = mysql_query($sql);
                  $results = mysql_num_rows($sql_query);
                  $sql_result_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM searchengine WHERE (product LIKE '%".$search_term."%' AND location LIKE '%".$location_term."%') LIMIT $first_pos, $RESULTS_LIMIT ");
    $stop_search = getmicrotime();
    $time_search = ($stop_search - $start_search);

I also have a pagination.php that goes along with this.

Any ideas how I can do this search so it won't refresh the page?
