my code is inserting the wrong date into my database

my insert statement is:

"insert into claims (claim_id, claim_amount, claim_date,claim_desc, emp_id)  values (" & CInt(clm_id) & "," CInt(clm_amt) & "," & Date.Today & ", '" & CStr(clm_desc) & "', " & CInt(emp_id) & ")";

in the table itself it doesn't show the current date but shows: "1900/01/08 12:00:00 AM"

Change the format of date "yyyy-MM-dd"

str="insert into claims (claim_id, claim_amount, claim_date,claim_desc, emp_id)  values (" & CInt(clm_id) & "," CInt(clm_amt) & ",'" & DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") & "', '" & CStr(clm_desc) & "'," & CInt(emp_id) & ")"
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