i am writing javascript for something and it wont work on google chrome. it will work on everything else but chrome. can you please help? here is the code:

var title='CrazieToday - Best Event Organizer Ever';
var url='http://crazietoday.com';

function AddToFavorites(){
	if (window.sidebar) { 
window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url,"");
	} else if( window.external ) { 
		window.external.AddFavorite( url, title); }
	else if(window.opera && window.print) {
		return true; 
    else if(window.chrome)

thank you in advanced

Are you sure that the check for chrome is correct? Have you tried to use the Chrome's JavaScript debugger and try 'window.chrome' in the console? I am not sure that it is correct.

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