Can smbdy tell me that what is wrong in the second part of the form here in syntax.... ?? here i am providing the first part 2 as sm variables are from that part...however just tell me what is syntactically wrong in second part ...plz .. thanx in advance !!

The first part which is working properly is

    //to fetch verb_id
    $verb_sql="SELECT verb_id FROM tbl_verbs_master WHERE verb_description='".$verb_description."'";
    $verb_id=mysql_query($verb_sql) or die(mysql_error());
    $vrb_id = mysql_fetch_array($verb_id);
    //to fetch item_code
    $item_sql="SELECT item_code FROM tbl_item_master WHERE item_description='$item_description'";
    $item_code=mysql_query($item_sql) or die(mysql_error());
    $itm_id = mysql_fetch_array($item_code);
    $tbl_sql="INSERT INTO tbl_user_post_requirement(user_id,verb_id,item_code,post_description,posted_on)VALUES('".$user_id."','".$vrb_id['verb_id']."','".$itm_id['item_code']."','".$post_description."','".$posted_on."')";
    $tbl_res=mysql_query($tbl_sql) or die(mysql_error());


And the second part which is not working is.......

	//code for showing offers
	$sql="SELECT SOS_verb_id FROM tbl_verbs_mapping WHERE SRS_verb_id='.$vrb_id['verb_id'].'";
	$res=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
	$result = mysql_fetch_array($res);
	$tb_sql="SELECT * FROM tbl_verbs_master where verb_id='.$result['verb_id'].' AND item_code='.$itm_id['item_code'].'";
	$tb_res=mysql_query($tb_sql) or die(mysql_error());
	$tb_result = mysql_fetch_array($tb_res);
	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($tb_result)){
	echo $row['user_id']. " wants to ". $row['verb_description']." " .'"$item_description."';
	echo "<br />";

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Please help me .... Please .. just check the syntax error in second part .

Can smbdy tell me that what is wrong in the second part of the form here in syntax.... ?? here i am providing the first part 2 as sm variables are from that part...however just tell me what is syntactically wrong in second part ...plz .. thanx in advance !!

The first part which is working properly is

    //to fetch verb_id
    $verb_sql="SELECT verb_id FROM tbl_verbs_master WHERE verb_description='".$verb_description."'";
    $verb_id=mysql_query($verb_sql) or die(mysql_error());
    $vrb_id = mysql_fetch_array($verb_id);
    //to fetch item_code
    $item_sql="SELECT item_code FROM tbl_item_master WHERE item_description='$item_description'";
    $item_code=mysql_query($item_sql) or die(mysql_error());
    $itm_id = mysql_fetch_array($item_code);
    $tbl_sql="INSERT INTO tbl_user_post_requirement(user_id,verb_id,item_code,post_description,posted_on)VALUES('".$user_id."','".$vrb_id['verb_id']."','".$itm_id['item_code']."','".$post_description."','".$posted_on."')";
    $tbl_res=mysql_query($tbl_sql) or die(mysql_error());


And the second part which is not working is.......

	//code for showing offers
	$sql="SELECT SOS_verb_id FROM tbl_verbs_mapping WHERE SRS_verb_id='.$vrb_id['verb_id'].'";
	$res=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
	$result = mysql_fetch_array($res);
	$tb_sql="SELECT * FROM tbl_verbs_master where verb_id='.$result['verb_id'].' AND item_code='.$itm_id['item_code'].'";
	$tb_res=mysql_query($tb_sql) or die(mysql_error());
	$tb_result = mysql_fetch_array($tb_res);
	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($tb_result)){
	echo $row['user_id']. " wants to ". $row['verb_description']." " .'"$item_description."';
	echo "<br />";

I think the problem is with your sql string. Try this.

$sql="SELECT SOS_verb_id FROM tbl_verbs_mapping WHERE SRS_verb_id='".$vrb_id['verb_id']."'";

$tb_sql="SELECT * FROM tbl_verbs_master where verb_id='".$result['verb_id']."' AND item_code='".$itm_id['item_code']."'";

Thank you :)

:) ok
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