daytonasteve 0 Newbie Poster

I've migrated a test site to 4.0 to take advantage of the list renderingmode for a menu. Having the UL and LI should be easier than the table rendering.

I'm making progress, (still have work to do, just ignore the odd border) however one issue continues to plague the testing. IN IE 6,7,8, as the page is rendering, it appears the menu is flickering and trying to render as a vertical menu instead of the correct orientation which is horizontal. In Moz, Chrome, Sarafi, Opera, I don't get this behavior.

The menu is styled with CSS however I'm not opposed to adding some corrective code directly to the masterpage that holds the menu. I'd apprecate a suggestion as to how to solve this because as it is, it is not usable.

Here is the link to the test site.