Hi Experts!

Following mentioned code, displays the thumbs images in the out of series sorting, the files in the directory are copied by using the numeric code, e.g. 1.jpg, and 2.jpg .. onwards, if exports can change a code, in order to help out, that the script display the images 1.jpg and 2.jpg in series, am not a expert, and totally new to the programming, it is absolutely helpful if someone can edit the lines.

DEMO: www.regionaltimes.com

	$max_width = 200;
	$max_height = 200;
	$per_page = 10;
	$page = $_GET['page'];
	$has_previous = false;
	$has_next = false;
	function getPictures() {
		global $page, $per_page, $has_previous, $has_next;
		if ( $handle = opendir(".") ) {
			$lightbox = rand();
			echo '<ul id="pictures">';
			$count = 0;
			$skip = $page * $per_page;
			if ( $skip != 0 )
				$has_previous = true;
			while ( $count < $skip && ($file = readdir($handle)) !== false ) {
				if ( !is_dir($file) && ($type = getPictureType($file)) != '' )
			$count = 0;
			while ( $count < $per_page && ($file = readdir($handle)) !== false ) {
				if ( !is_dir($file) && ($type = getPictureType($file)) != '' ) {
					if ( ! is_dir('thumbs') ) {
					if ( ! file_exists('thumbs/'.$file) ) {
						makeThumb( $file, $type );
					echo '<li><a href="'.$file.'" rel="lightbox['.$lightbox.']">';
					echo '<img src="thumbs/'.$file.'" alt="" />';
					echo '</a></li>';
			echo '</ul>';
			while ( ($file = readdir($handle)) !== false ) {
				if ( !is_dir($file) && ($type = getPictureType($file)) != '' ) {
					$has_next = true;
	function getPictureType($file) {
		$split = explode('.', $file); 
		$ext = $split[count($split) - 1];
		if ( preg_match('/jpg|jpeg/i', $ext) ) {
			return 'jpg';
		} else if ( preg_match('/png/i', $ext) ) {
			return 'png';
		} else if ( preg_match('/gif/i', $ext) ) {
			return 'gif';
		} else {
			return '';
	function makeThumb( $file, $type ) {
		global $max_width, $max_height;
		if ( $type == 'jpg' ) {
			$src = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
		} else if ( $type == 'png' ) {
			$src = imagecreatefrompng($file);
		} else if ( $type == 'gif' ) {
			$src = imagecreatefromgif($file);
		if ( ($oldW = imagesx($src)) < ($oldH = imagesy($src)) ) {
			$newW = $oldW * ($max_width / $oldH);
			$newH = $max_height;
		} else {
			$newW = $max_width;
			$newH = $oldH * ($max_height / $oldW);
		$new = imagecreatetruecolor($newW, $newH);
		imagecopyresampled($new, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newW, $newH, $oldW, $oldH);
		if ( $type == 'jpg' ) {
			imagejpeg($new, 'thumbs/'.$file);
		} else if ( $type == 'png' ) {
			imagepng($new, 'thumbs/'.$file);
		} else if ( $type == 'gif' ) {
			imagegif($new, 'thumbs/'.$file);
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<style type="text/css">
body {

#pictures li {
	height:<?php echo ($max_height + 10); ?>px;
	list-style:none outside;
	width:<?php echo ($max_width + 10); ?>px;
img {
.prev {
.next {
<?php getPictures(); ?>
<div align="left"></div>
<div align="left" style="clear:both"></div>
	if ( $has_previous )
		echo '<p class="prev"><a href="?page='.($page - 1).'">&larr; Previous Page</a></p>';

	if ( $has_next )
		echo '<p class="next"><a href="?page='.($page + 1).'">Next Page &rarr;</a></p>';
<div align="left"></div>
<div align="left" style="clear:both"></div>
<div align="left">
  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/prototype.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/lightbox.js"></script>
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