rahulkanna 0 Newbie Poster

Hello I am Rahul I am getting error when I am giving password
The error listed below

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0005'
Invalid procedure call or argument: 'mid'

/includedfiles/encriptdecript.asp, line 45

here I have listed the code below.
I tried so many articles but i didnt,
Actually I have used encrypt & decrypt in login pages
It was working fine in SQL Server 2000 recently I have upgraded to SQL server 2003
but it is not working in SQL server 2003
Can you help this?


Public Function encript(pass)
	Dim temp, temp1
	Dim pos, leng, dt, tim
	Dim i, key

	leng = Len(pass)
	tim = Time
	tim = Mid(tim, 1, Len(tim) - 3)
	tim = Mid(tim, Len(tim) - 1, 2) * Int(Rnd * 100)
	For i = 1 To Len(CStr(tim))
		pos = pos + CInt(Mid(CStr(tim), i, 1))
	While pos > Len(pass)
		pos = pos Mod 10 + Int(Rnd * 10)
		If pos = 0 Then
			pos = Len(pass) + 1
		End If
	If pos <= 2 Then
		pos = 3
	End If
	key = Int((255 - 150 + 1) * Rnd + 150)
	For i = 1 To Len(pass)
		If Asc(Mid(pass, i, 1)) > key Then
			temp = temp & Chr(CInt(Asc(Mid(pass, i, 1))) - key)
		ElseIf Asc(Mid(pass, i, 1)) < key Then
			temp = temp & Chr(key - CInt(Asc(Mid(pass, i, 1))))
			temp = temp & Chr(Asc(Mid(pass, i, 1)))
		End If
	temp1 = Mid(temp, 1, pos) & Chr(key)
	temp1 = temp1 & Mid(temp, pos + 1, Len(temp))
	temp = Chr(pos + 150) & temp1
	encript = temp
End Function

Public Function decript(pass)
	Dim pos, key, temp
	Dim i, temp1

//Error line

	pos = Int(Asc(Mid(pass, 1, 1))) - 150
	key = Asc(Mid(pass, pos + 2, 1))
	temp = Mid(pass, 1, pos + 1)

	pass = temp & Mid(pass, pos + 3, Len(pass))
	pass = Mid(pass, 2, Len(pass))
	For i = 1 To Len(pass)
		If Asc(Mid(pass, i, 1)) <> key Then
			temp1 = temp1 & Chr(key - CInt(Asc(Mid(pass, i, 1))))
			temp1 = temp1 & Chr(Asc(Mid(pass, i, 1)))
		End If
	decript = temp1
End Function
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