Glanet 0 Newbie Poster

hi i have validated some fiels in jsp using useBean . But am nt able to get the values into another page.can anyone help me.This is my code.

jsp file

<%-- Instantiate the form validation bean and supply the error message map --%>
<%@ page import="com.mycompany.*" %>
<jsp:useBean id="form" class="com.mycompany.MyForm" scope="request">
    <jsp:setProperty name="form" property="errorMessages" value='<%= errorMap %>'/>

    // If process is true, attempt to validate and process the form
    if ("true".equals(request.getParameter("process"))) {
        <jsp:setProperty name="form" property="*" />
        // Attempt to process the form
        if (form.process()) {
            // Go to success page

<head><title>A Simple Form</title></head>

<%-- When submitting the form, resubmit to this page --%>
<form action='<%= request.getRequestURI() %>' method="POST">
    <%-- email --%>
    <font color=red><%= form.getErrorMessage("email") %></font><br>
    Email: <input type="TEXT" name="email" value='<%= form.getEmail() %>'>

    <%-- zipcode --%>
    <font color=red><%= form.getErrorMessage("zipcode") %></font><br>
    Zipcode: <input type="TEXT" name="zipcode" value='<%= form.getZipcode() %>'>

    <input type="SUBMIT" value="OK">
    <input type="HIDDEN" name="process" value="true">


    // Define error messages
    java.util.Map errorMap = new java.util.HashMap();
    public void jspInit() {
        errorMap.put(MyForm.ERR_EMAIL_ENTER, "Please enter an email address");
        errorMap.put(MyForm.ERR_EMAIL_INVALID, "The email address is not valid");
        errorMap.put(MyForm.ERR_ZIPCODE_ENTER, "Please enter a zipcode");
        errorMap.put(MyForm.ERR_ZIPCODE_INVALID, "The zipcode must be 5 digits");
        errorMap.put(MyForm.ERR_ZIPCODE_NUM_ONLY, "The zipcode must contain only digits");

this is my java class

package com.mycompany;
import java.util.*;

public class MyForm {
    /*  The properties */
    String email = "";
    String zipcode = "";

    public String getEmail() {
        return email;
    public void setEmail(String email) { = email.trim();

    public String getZipcode() {
        return zipcode;
    public void setZipcode(String zipcode) {
        this.zipcode = zipcode.trim();

    /* Errors */
    public static final Integer ERR_EMAIL_ENTER = new Integer(1);
    public static final Integer ERR_EMAIL_INVALID = new Integer(2);
    public static final Integer ERR_ZIPCODE_ENTER = new Integer(3);
    public static final Integer ERR_ZIPCODE_INVALID = new Integer(4);
    public static final Integer ERR_ZIPCODE_NUM_ONLY = new Integer(5);

    // Holds error messages for the properties
    Map errorCodes = new HashMap();

    // Maps error codes to textual messages.
    // This map must be supplied by the object that instantiated this bean.
    Map msgMap;
    public void setErrorMessages(Map msgMap) {
        this.msgMap = msgMap;

    public String getErrorMessage(String propName) {
        Integer code = (Integer)(errorCodes.get(propName));
        if (code == null) {
            return "";
        } else if (msgMap != null) {
            String msg = (String)msgMap.get(code);
            if (msg != null) {
                return msg;
        return "Error";

    /* Form validation and processing */
    public boolean isValid() {
        // Clear all errors

        // Validate email
        if (email.length() == 0) {
            errorCodes.put("email", ERR_EMAIL_ENTER);
        } else if (!email.matches(".+@.+\\..+")) {
            errorCodes.put("email", ERR_EMAIL_INVALID);

        // Validate zipcode
        if (zipcode.length() == 0) {
            errorCodes.put("zipcode", ERR_ZIPCODE_ENTER);
        } else if (zipcode.length() != 5) {
            errorCodes.put("zipcode", ERR_ZIPCODE_INVALID);
        } else {
            try {
                int i = Integer.parseInt(zipcode);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                errorCodes.put("zipcode", ERR_ZIPCODE_NUM_ONLY);

        // If no errors, form is valid
        return errorCodes.size() == 0;

    public boolean process() {
        if (!isValid()) {
            return false;

        // Process form...

        // Clear the form
        email = "";
        zipcode = "";
        return true;

am not able to get values in formDone.jsp page.plz help me