I'm trying to make the following piece of code to work.

Login LoginControl = (Login)PreviousPage.FindControl("Login1");
if (LoginControl != null)
TextBox UserName = (TextBox)LoginControl.FindControl("UserName");
if (UserName != null)
Label1.Text = UserName.Text;
Label1.Text = "Cannot find user name in Login control.";

This is an example supplied by the following website:


However, I don't know how to declare the page Login as a class other pages can use. The actual source code lists Login as a partial class, so I assume there is some property which needs to be set in order to be used as a normal class. Intellisense also is not locating the Login class when I try to use it in a different page.

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Please read the entire article. It says that Login is a User Control, there is even a link to another page that goes into more detail about the Login Control.

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