octopusgrabbus 0 Newbie Poster

I need help with the following. I have an application running on Linux. It sends by http get request a record of data, including street number, street name, city, and zip over to an IIS server, which is connected through ActiveX to address verification software..

When the ASP page processes the get request, it passes the data to an Active/X address verification application, which processes the data and returns corrections if there are any and appropriate error codes. I would like to speed up the processing of 29,000 addresses, which currently are handled one at a time, by grouping the addresses in larger batches.

I have to use an ASP page, because that is what the vendor supports. I already have an ASP page working for a get request to process one "record" of data.

I understand going to multiple records over 2048 bytes (hope I remembered the get limit) means I have to post the data. As to processing multiple records, that is not clear ot me.

Any pointers or help would be appreciated.


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