Is there a way to have a session use two variables instead of just one?

For instance:


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$_SESSION['level'] = 'whatever';
$_SESSION['email'] = 'whatever';
commented: This solved my issue of saving multiple values to the session. +2

if $email equals '' and $level equals 1, Then if you are TRYING to set: $_SESSION['']='...' , then the above will not work. You need to use DOUBLE quotes so that the variables are evaluated: $_SESSION["$email.$level"] Perhaps what you are after is something like:


Then later on if you need those values, you explode() on the PHP_EOL character:
list($email,$level)=explode(PHP_EOL, $_SESSION['email_level']);
echo 'Email',$email,'<br />';
echo 'Level',$level,'<br />';

OK. I got that issue figured out but now the question is "Is there a way to recall a value when it is used in a customization script as part of an include_once?".

loginphp.php code:

if ($email==$dbemail&&md5($password)==$dbpassword)
        if ($dblevel==0)
          $_SESSION['email'] = $email;
          $_SESSION['Level'] = $dblevel;
          $_SESSION['name'] = $dbname;
          header('Location: index.php');
        elseif ($dblevel==1)
          $_SESSION['email'] = $email;
          $_SESSION['Level'] = $dblevel;
          $_SESSION['name'] = $dbname;
          header('Location: member.php');

member.php code:



  if ($_SESSION['email'] && $_SESSION['Level']==1)
    die("You must be logged in!");


Member_Library_Trial.html code


Member_Library_Trial.html code continued.

<div id="Text1">Congratulations <?php $_SESSION['name']?></div>

rename Member_Library_Trial.html to Member_Library_Trial.php

AND also change: <?php $_SESSION['name']?> to: <?php echo $_SESSION['name'];?>

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