I am new to JSP and I am not very familiar with what its advantages and disadvantages are. We all know that Java is a big and complicated language, but it's not as web oriented as PHP. I have also heard that it's more expensive to find a server for JSP than for PHP.

So would you want to use JSP for a small company website with tight budget and not a lot of traffic? Why would you want to use JSP in this case? Is it faster? Is it more flexible? Would the website look more formal and respectable if it's in JSP?

Given that you are new to Java development I will pretend I didn't hear ignorance. Java web development is not anymore just about JSP there is large amount of frameworks to choose from that can be used to build Java based website.

So why don't you come up with more specific questions instead of general non-sense that could be sorted out by simple research...

Given that you posted the only answer to my question, I wonder whether to respond to you as rudely and ignorantly as you did.

"why don't you come up with more specific questions"???

Is using JSP suitable for low budgets when it comes to hosting, development, maintenance? Therefore is it suitable for small low budget company websites?

Is JSP faster? In other words does the pages in JSP load faster than those in PHP?

Is JSP more formal? In other words is JSP used more for corporate and company websites unlike PHP, which is used a lot for online stores, blogs and homemade websites?

How much more specific could I be?

These sort of questions are mostly solved by management and not by general programmers. Did you expect another question about small bugs and programming errors?

Thank you for your down-vote Mr CTO, if you did not spot it yet you are in "small bugs and programming errors" section and not hyped technologies advise research subsection for lousy CTOs.

Is using JSP suitable for low budgets when it comes to hosting, development, maintenance? Therefore is it suitable for small low budget company websites?
>> Bad question since you should be looking at it as "do we have available resource or we need to hire/train someone to be able to support our needs for given technology

Is JSP faster? In other words does the pages in JSP load faster than those in PHP?
>> Wrong question, since there has to be some measuring matrix as what we are trying to measure. There are numerous examples of messed up web sites done in PHP and also JSP. Each of them can perform well if properly done.

Is JSP more formal? In other words is JSP used more for corporate and company websites unlike PHP, which is used a lot for online stores, blogs and homemade websites?
>> There is nothing as "formal", there is something called functionally advisable. However in your case it wouldn't help as you are looking at technology to solve your problem and not investigating problem, try to understand what is the problem, what we expect to achieve and only then to look for most suitable solution/technology (shall I buy my sales iPhones so we look like company that can flush money on expensive equipment or shall I get them Android phones so we look like geeks that cares. Instead of looking at what they need these phones for, how will they used, will the device provide all necessary functionality need it by them)

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