Hi every body,

I have this error
anybody plz help me.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '>' in C:\wamp\www\public_html\apps\frontend\modules\personal\templates\indexSuccess.php on line 30
this is the line 30.
**>getPrimaryAlbumId()."_".$personal->getProfilePicture(), true) ?>"

alt="Profile Picture" /></a>**

<?php use_javascript('addTalk') ?>
<?php use_javascript('schedule') ?>
<?php use_javascript('sync') ?>

<div id="profileName">
<?php foreach ($personals as $personal): ?>

<?php if ($permissionViewAll): ?>
    <?php if ($personal->getFullName()) echo $personal->getFullName(); ?>
<?php else: ?>
    <?php if ($personal->getAlias()) echo $personal->getAlias() ?>
<?php endif ?>
<div id="profilePicture" class="floatLeft" style="width:<?php echo 

sfConfig::get('app_picture_thumb_width') ?>px; height:<?php echo 

sfConfig::get('app_picture_thumb_height') ?>px;">
<?php if ($permissionViewAll): ?>
    <a href="<?php echo url_for("@album_view?id=". $personal-

>getPrimaryAlbumId()) ?>"><img width="<?php echo sfConfig::get

('app_picture_thumb_width') ?>" height="<?php echo sfConfig::get

('app_picture_thumb_height') ?>" src="<?php echo url_for



>getPrimaryAlbumId()."_".$personal->getProfilePicture(), true) ?>" 

alt="Profile Picture" /></a>
<?php else: ?>
    <img width="<?php echo sfConfig::get('app_picture_thumb_width') ?>" 

height="<?php echo sfConfig::get('app_picture_thumb_height') ?>" src="<?php 

echo url_for('@personal_image_display?


>getPrimaryAlbumId()."_".$personal->getAliasPicture(), true) ?>" alt="Alias 

Picture" />
<?php endif ?>
<?php if ($permissionViewAll): ?>
<div id="profileDetail" class="float-Left">
    <?php if ($personal->getBirthDate()): ?> I was born on <?php echo date("F 

j, Y", strtotime($personal->getBirthDate())) ?><br /><?php endif ?>
    <?php if ($personal->getOccupation()): ?> I am working as a <?php echo 

$personal->getOccupation() ?><br /><?php endif ?>
    <?php if ($personal->getEducation()): ?>I study at <?php echo $personal-

>getEducation() ?><br /><?php endif ?>
    <?php if ($personal->getProfessionalInterests()): ?>I am interested in <?

php echo $personal->getProfessionalInterests() ?><br /><?php endif ?>

    <?php if ($personal->getZoneId() || $personal->getCountryId()): ?>I am now 

residing in <?php if ($personal->getZoneId()) echo $personal->getZone()-

>getName() . ', ' ?><?php echo $personal->getCountry()->getName() ?><br /><?

php endif ?>
    <br />
    <?php if ($personal->getAboutMe()): ?><i>"<?php echo nl2br($personal-

>getAboutMe()) ?>"</i><?php endif ?>
 <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif ?>

<div class='clearBoth'></div>

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All 2 Replies


Just place your cursor before > and then hit back-space . I think the arrow operator has been separated. Do the same on line 20. -> should not be separated as shown on your codes - >

Thanks Veedeoo ,Problem solved

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