hi every one. i have two tables

    std_id primary key,
    tchr_id foreign key

    tchr_id primary key,

as from the above tables i have the foreign key constraint. it mean if i want to delte teacher id it must be firstly deleted from the table 1 and so on so forth.
but now my question is m trying to delete with the following query in php

    $query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM table_2 WHERE tchr_id='".$id."'") or die(mysql_error());

but this could't delted and an error is shown as it could be for the foreign key constraint. but i want to show the error in such a way that name of the tables couldn't be shown...

but i want to show the error in such a way that name of the tables couldn't be shown...

Is that all?

$query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM table_2 WHERE tchr_id='".$id."'") or die("Oops, we have a problem, please contact the administrator.");

Change message to suit.

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