Can any tell me ReadOnly Status os Excel Driver...
I want to read from and write into Existing Excel Sheet..
Am using ADODB.Connection and ConnectionString as "DRIVER=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls);DBQ=FilePath;ReadOnly=1;" in javascript..
Here ReadOnly=1 indicates the connection to be established in read only mode..
If I put ReadOnly=0, then Is this for Write Mode? or what else has to be used..
Also explain me how to write(I need scripts) using javascript into excel sheet...
Kindly anyone Clarify...
Am using ADODB connection because, so that I can able to read or write even in System which are not installed with MS Office package...
So Kindly clarify my answer only regarding with ADODB Connection and ConnectionString properties...
Please Dont clarify me through other ways of connections like OLEDB or anything else by giving providers...

Thank you,
Ram Bharath

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