Hi all

i stuck with one problem i have gridview and values continuesly changing in database so i wanto to that it should automaticaly update that value in grid without making screen flik or postback to server scenario like stock market even if any value exeed then its max value it should be change cell colour to red i know use of timmer but it makes screen flik i want smooth flow so any body has any idea Please help me out

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i stuck with one problem i have gridview and values continuesly changing in database so i wanto to that it should automaticaly update that value in grid without making screen flik or postback to server scenario like stock market even if any value exeed then its max value it should be change cell colour to red i know use of timmer but it makes screen flik i want smooth flow so any body has any idea Please help me out

Since you didn't provided any code related to gridview I assume you are using something like this:


When a data source control that supports updating is bound to a GridView control, the GridView control can take advantage of the data source control's capabilities and provide automatic updating functionality.

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