Hi i need some help. I am developing a java web application using jsf (front-end) and primefaces.

I have a drop down list in my .xhtml page containing Car,Bus,Other. On clicking 'Other', i want a text box to appear.Can you advice me how to do it?

i have a java interface and its implementation. i can call the interface from my .xhtml. Normally my dropdownList is like this in my .xhtml:

<h:selectOneMenu id="reason"
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Car" itemValue="Car" />  
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Bus" itemValue="Bus" />  
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Other" itemValue="Other" />

this code :


is refering to the field name in database.

i modify the value to


the dropDownList is a String in my interface with its getter and setter. I dont know how to link it with the text box which i want to be displayed.Well according to me, the variable dropDownList will get the value of drop-down list reason,then i will be able to link it with the textbox. is it the right way or is there any other ways of doing this? code below is for textbox:

<h:inputText id="reasonapplication_other"
required="false" maxlength="50" />

Thanks. I will wait for a reply :)

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I have a drop down list in my .xhtml page containing Car,Bus,Other. On clicking 'Other', i want a text box to appear.Can you advice me how to do it?


JSP is not really a language that I am familiar with.

Are you using any framework with this code?

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