I want to make a search option.

this is my statement in php
$FILTER AND $ORDER are working perfectly. The statement too.

else if (isset($_POST['search_all']))
    $Filter .= " AND M.title LIKE '%" . $_REQUEST['src_all'] .  "%'";
    $Order = " ORDER BY M.idate DESC";

and this is the html

<input id="src_all" name="src_all" onblur="if (this.value == '') { this.value='Search'; jQuery(this).addClass('blank'); };" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Search') { this.value=''; jQuery(this).removeClass('blank'); };" type="text" value="Search" />

<input id="search_all" name="search_all" type="image" src="wall_icons/arrow.png" alt="Submit" />

in the first input the user types in the name and in the second it presses and results should return. i know that it doesnt work.

Lets see

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