Binty 0 Newbie Poster

**how to check data by multivalue of array checkbox in multi row one column.
Hi, im need to checked data from database from checkbox multivalue of array, then insert into tabel in multirow one column.
I try to insert same value (month) in student payment but the data still insert to the tabel, and it should show alerts.
I confusing how to check data with array and how show the alert, in this case?
pls help...
I'm new here..
and this is my code.

<!--form -->

 <td>ID Student</td>
 <td><input name="id_student" type="text" id="nis" value="<?= $row['id_student']?>" readonly="readonly"/></td>
  <label class="checkbox inline"><input type="checkbox" name="month[]" value="1"> Jan
  <label class="checkbox inline"><input type="checkbox" name="month[]" value="2"> Feb</label>
  <label class="checkbox inline"><input type="checkbox" name="month[]" value="3"> Mar</label>
  <label class="checkbox inline"><input type="checkbox" name="month[]" value="4"> Apr</label>
  <label class="checkbox inline"><input type="checkbox" name="month[]" value="5"> Mei</label>
  <label class="checkbox inline"><input type="checkbox" name="month[]" value="6"> Jun</label>
  <label class="checkbox inline"><input type="checkbox" name="month[]" value="7"> Jul</label>
  <label class="checkbox inline"><input type="checkbox" name="month[]" value="8"> Agt</label>
  <label class="checkbox inline"><input type="checkbox" name="month[]" value="9"> Sep</label>
  <label class="checkbox inline"><input type="checkbox" name="month[]" value="10"> Okt</label>
  <label class="checkbox inline"><input type="checkbox" name="month[]" value="11">Nov</label>
  <label class="checkbox inline"><input type="checkbox" name="month[]" value="12">Des</label>

/form action/


    $transaction_id = $_POST['transaction_id'];
    $id_student     = $_POST['id_student'];
    $spp            = $_POST['spp'];
    $praktek        = $_POST['praktek'];
    $tabungan       = $_POST['tabungan'];
    $osis           = $_POST['osis'];
    $month          = $_POST['month'];

    $sum = count ($month);
    echo $sum;

    if (isset($_POST['month'])){
        $checkedPay =mysql_num_rows(mysql_query
            ("SELECT m.id_month 
            FROM month_pay m
            INNER JOIN transaction t
            INNER JOIN student s 
            ON t.id_student = s.id_student
            AND m.transaction_id = t.transaction_id where m.id_month='$month' AND t.id_student='$id_student'"
             echo "have been paid.";
             echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('failed!');"."history.go(-1)</script>";
            $query1=mysql_query ("insert into transaction(transaction_id , id_student, nominal_spp, nominal_praktek, nominal_tabungan, nominal_osis, date_pay ) 
            values('','$id_student','$spp', '$praktek', '$tabungan', '$osis', SYSDATE() )");            
            if($sum >=1){
                foreach ($month as $a ){
                    mysql_query("insert into month_pay (transaksi_id, id_month) values(LAST_INSERT_ID(), '$a')");