Osagie_1 0 Newbie Poster

I have an xml structure :


    <Article ID="111">
        <author>Peter Paul</author>

    <Article ID="222">
        <author>Monkey Rice</author>

    <Article ID="333">
        <author>John Silas</author>


i created a method AddRecordByInfoMatch() that attempts to
add new node to any <Article> of a given ID anywhere as long
as a match exists:

function AddRecordByInfoMatch($ParentID, $Info_1, $Info_2, $Info_3, array $Record){

            $xml = new SimpleXMLElement(blabla.xml);
            $result = $xml->xpath("//*[@ID='$ParentID']");      //get the article ID

                foreach($result[0] as $key => $value){

                    $noofChild = count($value);
                    //three info match may lakely be within 3 sub-nodes 
                    if($noofChild >= 3){

                        $query = "//*[node()[contains(text(), \"$Info_1\")] and node()[contains(text(), \"$Info_2\")] and node()[contains(text(), \"$Info_3\")]]";

                        $data = $xml->xpath($query);

                                foreach ($Record as $nodname => $val){     
                                    $data[0]->addChild($nodname, $val);   

with ID = 333 in mind, i test-ran it like this :

XMLAddRecordByInfoMatch(333, "English", "French", "Chinese", array( 
            "syntax" => irrelevant,
            "adjectives" => None,
            "verbs" => 2,
            "prepositions" => 5 

unfortunately, the output; upon display, added the new record to Article
with ID 111 to give :

<Article ID="111">
        <author>Peter Paul</author>



and i expected this to be within the Article node of ID 333, which
i specified. what am i doing wrong in my xpath xpression ?? or how
can i achieve this ? any help will be highly regarded. Happy new year all.

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