According to this link. V8 Snapshot of your JavaScript file, makes it somehow more protected.

Notice: This is V8 Snapshot not just V8.

Now I have couple questions, if you're familiar with this technology:

1) Is there a way to obfuscate it more? There are .NET obfuscators, there are C++ obfuscators. I would probably find Python/Perl/Ruby obfuscators if I looked. Is there a way to over-obfuscate a C++ compiled .bin file? Or maybe it's possible to obfuscate it before it actually gets turned into C++ file (using Linux, which is supported)?

2) Is there a way to obfuscate the JavaScript source? Rather stupid question. Given you send the file to the computer and deobfuscating would be stupid. But makes me somehow think, that making spaghetti, out of spaghetti, would take longer to despaghetties. I mean, if I have earphones in my pocket, it's bad, but when I have three, oh boy.

3) Is the JavaScript in the .bin file, there or it has been converted? Is the .bin file, just a virtualization space where it has it's JavaScript virtualized and protected? Or, the JavaScript has been interpreted and translated into C++?

4) It is said to have 30% impact on performance. But JavaScript can interpret about 1000 lines of code at once, does it really matter when you load 700 lines per second? I have never written function or method that has ever over 700 lines. I barely think I have ever written HTML document so long. Once again, I'm just trying to code, not actually coding. So you probably have written 9001 lines of code. Anyways, does it really matter that much? Let's assume really great internet speed, 100Mbps (almost as if it was on one's SSD :o ) the file loads in no-time (it's actually going to serve only people with "protected terminals", long story, don't ask), the original file would be 100.000 lines of code. Isn't this JavaScript file executed like about 5 times in 1 second? Does 30% have any impact on this? I can load file for 2 seconds, I don't care, they shouldn't too.

Now you can start wondering, what the -uck did I just ask.

Recommended Answers

All 2 Replies

Are you referring to a Node.js application ?


(If so what is the point of 4 ?)

I don't know how it's not a point.

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