Peter_30 0 Newbie Poster

I have been working on this to replace every code that is shared on post in my website but is not working for me.
I need everything that appear inside <pre><code></code></pre>to replay all the tags and give it a color using css. please if there is any simple way to do this can someone just help me with that? i will appreciate sample code in jsfiled

here is sample of code that i have been trying to use

function Rep(text){
  text = text.replace(/ /g,"&nbsp;");

  text = text.replace(/<([^\>]+?)>/g, function(match, contents){
      return "<span class='TagColor'>&lt;"+contents+"&gt;</span>";

  text = text.replace(/\"([^\"]+?)\"/g, function(match, contents){
      return '<span class="StringColor">&quot;'+contents+'&quot;</span>';
  text = text.replace(/\(([^\)]+?)\)/g, function(match, contents){
      return '<span class="OptionsColor">('+contents+')</span>';
  text = text.replace(/\n/g, function(match, contents){
      return '<br />';
  text = text.replace(/\{/g, function(match, contents){
      return '<span class="BracketsColor">&#123;</span>';
  text = text.replace(/\}/g, function(match, contents){
      return '<span class="BracketsColor">&#125;</span>';
  text = text.replace(/\/\*([^\*]+?)\*\//g, function(match, contents){
      return "<span class='CommentColor'>/*"+contents+"*/</span>";
    text = text.replace(/\[\](.*?)\[\/\]/g, function(match, contents){
      return '<span class="BBColor">'+contents+'</span>';
  return text;


//HTML replace
    var text=$(this).html().replace(/</g,'&lt;');
    var text=text.replace(/>/g,'&gt;');


//Still on Text format                                                                                                                

var app = angular.module('codelab',[],['$interpolateProvider',
    function($interpolateProvider) {

app.directive('ngPrism',['$interpolate', function ($interpolate) {
        "use strict";
        return {
          restrict: 'E',
          template: '<pre id="Mpreditor" class="code code-codes language-javascript"><code ng-transclude="ng-transclude" class="language-javascript"> </code></pre>',

And here is how codes display in my website

    <pre id="Mpreditor" class="code code-codes language-javascript">
    <code ng-transclude="ng-transclude" class="language-javascript">    
You have to include the `%` signs in the `$params`, not in the query:

        $query = "SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE address LIKE ? OR address LIKE ?";
        $params = array("%$var1%", "%$var2%");
        $stmt = $handle-&gt;prepare($query);
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