I wrote a procedure to read integers(unsigned) from stdin and store it in a variable.

I wanted it to handle backspaces too. so I made some adjustments but unfortunately it didn't work.--see line 14 in the code

get_num:		;(function get_num: read integers from stdin)	
	push ax		;save all registers		
	push bx
	push cx
	push dx
	mov bx,10d	;bx=10(decimal)
	xor dx,dx			
GNloop1:xor ax,ax
	mov ah,01h	;get the input from stdin
	int 21h
	xor ah,ah	;ah all clear!
	cmp al,0Dh	;check if the input was <return>
	je GNloop2	;if yes then goto GNloop2
	cmp al,08h	;check if BACKSPACE was pressed
	jne _continue_	;if not, then continue
	xor ax,ax       ;otherwise ...	
	mov ax,tmp	;take the value in tmp(a word variable) and-
	sub ax,cx	;remove what was entered just before the backspace
	push ax		;save it in stack,it'll be restored in dx afterwards
	div bx		;dx=ax/10
	mov tmp,dx	;and save to tmp 
        cmp dx,0	;if it was first digit
	jz GNloop1	;then carry on
	pop dx		;if not first digit , then don't forget- 
			;to restore what was in dx before the(backspaced) digit was pressed
	jmp GNloop1	;and then jump back.
	sub al,48d	;convert from ascii to decimal,ascii value of 0 is 48d(i.e. 30 in hex)
	xor cx,cx	;cx=0
	mov cl,al	;save al in cl(used when implementing BACKSPACE)
	add ax,dx	;add (ax*10=)dx and ax,in first loop dx is Zero,hence ax=ax+0
	xor dx,dx	;dx=0
	mov tmp,ax	;save what's in ax to tmp (a word variable),
			;1st loop:digit in ones place,2nd loop: digit in tens place and so on. 
	mul bx		;ax=ax*10
	mov dx,ax	;save ax*10 in dx(it will be added to ax in next loop-
			;see two instructions above) 
	jmp GNloop1	; loop

GNloop2:pop dx		;restore registers and return
	pop cx
	pop bx
	pop ax

It gives 'division overflow' error when BACKSPACE is pressed.
I'm finding very hard to eliminate this particular bug.
Can anyone please look at this code and help me find the culprit!

I found it myself.Here's the corrected code.

get_num:		;(function get_num: read integers from stdin)	
	push ax		;save all registers		
	push bx
	push cx
	push dx
	mov bx,10d	;bx=10(decimal)
	xor dx,dx			
GNloop1:xor ax,ax
	mov ah,01h	;get the input from stdin
	int 21h
	xor ah,ah	;ah all clear!
	cmp al,0Dh	;check if the input was <return>
	je GNloop2	;if yes then goto GNloop2
	cmp al,08h	;check if BACKSPACE was pressed
	jne _continue_	;if not, then continue
	xor ax,ax       ;otherwise ...	
	mov ax,tmp	;take the value in tmp(a word variable) and-
	sub ax,cx	;remove what was entered just before the backspace
	push ax		;save it in stack,it'll be restored in dx afterwards
        xor dx,dx       ;empty dx first 
        div bx		;ax=ax/10       
	mov tmp,ax	;and save to tmp
        cmp ax,0	;if it was first digit
	jz GNloop1	;then carry on
	pop dx		;if not first digit , then don't forget- 
			;to restore what was in dx before backspaced digit      
	jmp GNloop1	;and then jump back.
	sub al,48d	;convert from ascii to decimal,ascii value of 0 is 48d(i.e. 30 in hex)
	xor cx,cx	;cx=0
	mov cl,al	;save al in cl(used when implementing BACKSPACE)
	add ax,dx	;add (ax*10=)dx and ax,in first loop dx is Zero,hence ax=ax+0
	xor dx,dx	;dx=0
	mov tmp,ax	;save what's in ax to tmp (a word variable),
			;1st loop:digit in ones place,2nd loop: digit in tens place... 
	mul bx		;ax=ax*10
	mov dx,ax	;save ax*10 in dx(it will be added to ax in next loop-
			;see two instructions above) 
	jmp GNloop1	; loop

GNloop2:pop dx		;restore registers and return
	pop cx
	pop bx
	pop ax
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