I know this is not how to do things in here but i need some help with code. I need to make a RPN calc in ada that instantiate a couple packages and they are below. Please help i need help creating rpn.adb and not sure how to implement some of the other things below.



-- This is the generic implementation for a stack abstract data type.

package body StackPkg is

	function IsEmpty (S : Stack) return Boolean is
		return S.Top = 0;
	end IsEmpty;


	procedure Push (Item : ItemType; S : in out Stack) is
		if IsFull (S) then
			raise Stack_Full;
			S.Top := S.Top + 1;
			S.Elements(S.Top) := Item;
		end if;
	end Push;


end StackPkg;


-- This is the generic specification for a stack abstract data type.
-- Usage: Put these lines in the client (in the appropriate place):

--    with StackPkg;   -- this statement precedes client procedure declaration
--                     -- the next 2 statements go inside the client procedure
--                     -- the next 2 statements go after MyType is declared
--    package MyStkPkg is new StackPkg(Size => 100; ItemType => MyType);
--    use  MyStkPkg;

generic  -- Generic parameters are declared here

	Size : Positive;            -- Size of stack to create

	type ItemType is private;   -- Type of elements that stack will contain

package StackPkg is

	type Stack is limited private;

	Stack_Empty: exception; -- Raised if do top or pop on an empty stack
	Stack_Full : exception; -- Raised if push onto full stack

        -- Determine if stack is empty or full
	function isEmpty (s : Stack) return Boolean;
	function isFull  (s : Stack) return Boolean;

        -- Put element Item onto Stack s
	procedure push (item : ItemType; s : in out Stack);

        -- Remove an element from Stack s
	procedure pop  (s : in out Stack);

        -- Return top element from Stack s
	function  top   (s : Stack) return ItemType;


	type StackElements is array(1 .. Size) of ItemType;

	type Stack is record
		Elements : StackElements;
		Top : Natural := 0;
	end record;

end StackPkg;


-- This is the implementation for the BigNum abstract data type, which supports
-- arithmetic with VERY LARGE natural values.  The operations provided
-- work as one would expect for natural numbers.

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;

package body BigNumPkg is

    -- Currently the implementation uses a base 10 system for
    -- storing numbers and performing arithmetic operations.
    InternalBase : constant Positive := 10;

    -- This is a stub routine
    -- You are to complete the implementation of this routine
    function toString(X: BigNum) return String is
        return "";
    end toString;

    function "<"  (X, Y : BigNum) return Boolean is
        for I in 0..Size-1 loop
            if X(I) < Y(I) then
                return True;
            elsif X(I) > Y(I) then
                return False;
            end if;
        end loop;
        return False;
    end "<";

    function ">"  (X, Y : BigNum) return Boolean is
        return not (X < Y or X = Y);
    end ">";

    function "<=" (X, Y : BigNum) return Boolean is
        return X = Y or X < Y;
    end "<=";

    function ">=" (X, Y : BigNum) return Boolean is
        return not (X < Y);
        -- return Standard.">="(X, Y); -- Causes error on intel platform
    end ">=";

    -- To add two numbers, start in the right most part of the two
    -- arrays and add column by column working toward the left.  The
    -- value of carry indicates how much of a previous column's value
    -- should be carried forward to the next column's.
    function "+" (X, Y : BigNum) return BigNum is
        Carry : Natural := 0;
        Sum : Integer;
        Result : BigNum := (others => 0);
        for I in reverse 0..Size-1 loop
            Sum := Carry + X(I) + Y(I);

            -- Determine the amount of carry.
            if Sum >= InternalBase then
                Sum := Sum - InternalBase;
                Carry := 1;
                Carry := 0;
            end if;

            Result(I) := Sum;
        end loop;

        -- The result is too big if the left-most column gave
        -- a carry.
        if Carry > 0 then
            raise BigNumOverFlow;
        end if;
        return Result;
    end "+";

    -- Currently implemented as repeated addition.  This make "*" slow,
    -- but at least the result is correct. :-)
    function "*" (X, Y : BigNum) return BigNum is
        Count, Result : BigNum := Zero;
        while Count /= Y loop
            Count := Count + One;
            Result := Result + X;
        end loop;
        return Result;
    end "*";
    -- Skips leading whitespace (spaces, tabs, end of lines) before
    -- the data to be read.
    procedure Get (Item : out BigNum) is
        Letter : Character;
        LineEnd : Boolean;
        LastI : Natural := 0;
        -- Skip leading whitespace
            if End_Of_File then
                raise DATA_ERROR;
            elsif End_Of_Line then
                Look_Ahead(Letter, LineEnd);

                -- exit if find a digit
                exit when Letter in '0'..'9';
                -- Original version skipped leading zeros, as follows:
                -- exit when Letter in '1'..'9';

                if Letter /= ' ' and Letter /= ASCII.HT
                    and Letter /= '0' then
                    raise DATA_ERROR;
                end if;
            end if;
        end loop;

        -- Read in digits of number
        for I in 0..Size-1 loop
            exit when End_Of_Line;
            Look_Ahead(Letter, LineEnd);
            exit when LineEnd;
            exit when Letter not in '0'..'9';
            Get(Item(I), Width => 1);
            LastI := I;
        end loop;

        -- If there's still more digits, then raise DATA_ERROR.
        Look_Ahead(Letter, LineEnd);
        if Letter in '0'..'9' then
            raise DATA_ERROR;
        end if;

        -- Shift digits to the left within the array
        for I in reverse 0..LastI loop
            Item(I+Size-1-LastI) := Item(I);
        end loop;
        for I in 0..Size-2-LastI loop
            Item(I) := 0;
        end loop;
    end Get;
    -- Writes a BigNum to the output, padding with leading spaces
    -- if the width given is larger than the length of the number
    -- (leading zeros are not printed).
    procedure Put (Item : BigNum; Width : Natural := 1) is
        First : Integer := Size-1;
        -- Determine where the first digit of the number is,
        -- and thus the length of the number.
        for I in 0..Size-1 loop
            if Item(I) /= 0 then
                First := I;
            end if;
        end loop;

        -- Put any leading blanks that are necessary.
        for I in Size-First+1..Width loop
            Put(' ');
        end loop;

        -- Write out the digits of the number.
        for I in First..Size-1 loop
            Put(Item(I), Width => 1);
        end loop;
    end Put;

end BigNumPkg;


-- This is the interface for the BigNum abstract data type, which supports
-- arithmetic with VERY LARGE natural values.  The operations provided
-- work as one would expect for natural numbers.

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
package BigNumPkg is
	type BigNum is private;

	Zero : constant BigNum;
	One  : constant BigNum;

	BigNumOverFlow : exception;

	function toString(X: BigNum) return String;

	function "<"  (X, Y : BigNum) return Boolean;
	function ">"  (X, Y : BigNum) return Boolean;
	function "<=" (X, Y : BigNum) return Boolean;
	function ">=" (X, Y : BigNum) return Boolean;

	function "+" (X, Y : BigNum) return BigNum;
	function "*" (X, Y : BigNum) return BigNum;

	procedure Get (Item : out BigNum);
	procedure Put (Item : BigNum; Width : Natural := 1);
	Size : constant Positive := 50;
	type BigNum is array(0..Size-1) of Integer;

	Zero : constant BigNum := (others => 0);
    One  : constant BigNum := (Size-1 => 1, others => 0);
end BigNumPkg;
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