I have a form with a datagrid on it. If I 1) scroll to the right to a field that wasn't originally displayed on the grid 2) click on the header of that field to sort the datagrid 3) then scroll down to bottom area of the datagrid and selects a cell that is in the bottom righthand side of the grid (basically one that wasn't shown when datagrid 1st came up) 4) press a button that reloads the datagrid --- An error is generated "IndexOutOfRangeException: No value at index ###". The number(###) always changes. See full message below. I've tried just scrolling without sorting, and it had no error. If I sort without scrolling, it had no error. If I squish the fields over to the left so that the field I'm sorting with is on the original data grid -- then sort -- then scroll down to the bottom right cell --- it did not have an error. It seems to be a problem if I'm sorting on a colum is off to the right and I select a field that is below the area that was originally display. Does anyone have any ideas? I've included the error message and the area of code that reloads the datagrid. Line 3148 is dgForm1.DataSource = mydataview.

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: No value at index 49.

at System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager.get_Item(Int3 2 index)

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridColumnStyle.GetColumn ValueAtRow(CurrencyManager source, Int32 rowNum)

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridTextBoxColumn.Edit(Cu rrencyManager source, Int32 rowNum, Rectangle bounds, Boolean readOnly, String instantText, Boolean cellIsVisible)

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.Edit(String instantText)

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.Edit()

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.set_HorizontalOffset (Int32 value)

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.LayoutScrollBars()

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.ComputeLayout()

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.OnLayout(LayoutEvent Args levent)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PerformLayout(Control affectedControl, String affectedProperty)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PerformLayout()

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.OnColumnCollectionCh anged(Object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e)

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridTableStyle.OnColumnCo llectionChanged(Object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e)

at System.Windows.Forms.GridColumnStylesCollection.On CollectionChanged(CollectionChangeEventArgs ccevent)

at System.Windows.Forms.GridColumnStylesCollection.Co lumnStylePropDescChanged(Object sender, EventArgs pcea)

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridColumnStyle.OnPropert yDescriptorChanged(EventArgs e)

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridColumnStyle.set_Prope rtyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor value)

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridTextBoxColumn.set_Pro pertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor value)

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.PairTableStylesAndGr idColumns(CurrencyManager lm, DataGridTableStyle gridTable, Boolean forceColumnCreation)

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.SetDataGridTable(Dat aGridTableStyle newTable, Boolean forceColumnCreation)

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.Set_ListManager(Obje ct newDataSource, String newDataMember, Boolean force, Boolean forceColumnCreation)

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.Set_ListManager(Obje ct newDataSource, String newDataMember, Boolean force)

at System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.set_DataSource(Objec t value)

at SalesRaptorPC.form1.loaddatagrid() in C:\SalesRaptor PC\SalesRaptorPC\Form1.vb:line 3148


Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(Connection)



Dim sqlcomm AsNew SqlDataAdapter("salesRaptor_GetActivityPC", sqlConn)

sqlcomm.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

Dim workParam As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter

workParam = sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@Rep", SqlDbType.VarChar, 25)

If chkAllReps.CheckState = CheckState.Checked Then

sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters("@Rep").Value = Rep_ID.ToString


sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters("@Rep").Value = txRepID.Text


workParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input

workParam = sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@Status", SqlDbType.VarChar, 25)

sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters("@Status").Value = "P"

workParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input

Dim tempdate1 As DateTime = MthCalForm1.SelectionStart.Date + " 12:00:01 AM"

workParam = sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@DateLower", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime)

If actdelsw <> "DELINQUENT" Then sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters("@DateLower").Value = tempdate1

workParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input

workParam = sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@DateUpper", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime)

If actdelsw = "DELINQUENT" Then

Dim tempdate2 AsDate = Now()

sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters("@DateUpper").Value = tempdate2


Dim tempdate2 AsDate = MthCalForm1.SelectionEnd.Date + " 11:59:59 PM"

sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters("@DateUpper").Value = tempdate2


workParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input

workParam = sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@Delinquent", SqlDbType.VarChar, 1)

If actdelsw = "DELINQUENT" Then

sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters("@Delinquent").Value = "D"


sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters("@Delinquent").Value = "A"


workParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input

workParam = sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@WholeTeam", SqlDbType.VarChar, 1)

If chkAllReps.CheckState = CheckState.Checked Then

sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters("@WholeTeam").Value = "Y"


sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters("@WholeTeam").Value = "N"


workParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input

workParam = sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@Include_Inactive", SqlDbType.VarChar, 1)

sqlcomm.SelectCommand.Parameters("@Include_Inactive").Value = "N"

workParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input

Dim ds AsNew DataSet

sqlcomm.Fill(ds, "ACTIVITYGRID") 'holds data from query

ds.Tables(0).Columns(17).ColumnMapping = MappingType.Hidden ' hide the record status field

Dim x = ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count()

Dim mydatatable As DataTable = ds.Tables(0) 'table name

Dim mydataview As DataView = mydatatable.DefaultView

mydataview.Sort = "Date / Time" 'sort table

dgForm1.DataSource = mydataview 'binds data to grid

Dim ts1 AsNew DataGridTableStyle ' change column widths

ts1.MappingName = "ACTIVITYGRID"


ts1.GridColumnStyles(0).Width = 130 ' change width of date/time fld

ts1.GridColumnStyles(1).Width = 150 ' change width of prospect name

' date datetime fields to show time 

Dim dgtbc As DataGridTextBoxColumn

dgtbc = CType(dgForm1.TableStyles(0).GridColumnStyles(0), DataGridTextBoxColumn)

IfNot dgtbc IsNothingThen

dgtbc.Format = "g"


dgtbc = CType(dgForm1.TableStyles(0).GridColumnStyles(7), DataGridTextBoxColumn)

IfNot dgtbc IsNothingThen

dgtbc.Format = "g"










Catch tt As Exception

Errmsg = tt.ToString

EventSW = "Y"

errormsg() ' display error msg





Dim numRows AsInteger = dgForm1.BindingContext(dgForm1.DataSource, dgForm1.DataMember).Count

txRecCount.Text = "Count: " + CStr(numRows.ToString)

If (dgForm1.CurrentRowIndex < numRows) And (dgForm1.CurrentRowIndex > -1) Then

Entityid = CStr(dgForm1(dgForm1.CurrentRowIndex, 13).ToString) 'store current entity id

Prospid = CStr(dgForm1(dgForm1.CurrentRowIndex, 12).ToString) 'store current prospect id

activityrepid = CStr(dgForm1(dgForm1.CurrentRowIndex, 17).ToString) 'store current activity rep id

Contactid = CStr(dgForm1(dgForm1.CurrentRowIndex, 15).ToString) 'store current contact id

ActContid = CStr(dgForm1(dgForm1.CurrentRowIndex, 14).ToString) 'store current activity id

activitypriority = CStr(dgForm1(dgForm1.CurrentRowIndex, 6).ToString) 'store current activity priority

ActivityNotes = CStr(dgForm1(dgForm1.CurrentRowIndex, 3).ToString) 'store current regarding



getprospectinfo() ' get prospect information

getcontactinfo() ' get contact information 

If tb1.Visible = TrueThen

showtabprospectinfo() ' display info on prospect tab


If tb2.Visible = TrueThen

showtabcontactinfo() ' display info on contact tab


If tb3.Visible = TrueThen

showtabspousechildreninfo() ' display info on spouse children tab


If tb4.Visible = TrueThen

showtabhistoryinfo() ' display info on history tab


If tb5.Visible = TrueThen

showtabmachinelisting() ' display info on machine listing tab


If tb6.Visible = TrueThen

showtabnotes() ' display info on notes tab


If tb7.Visible = TrueThen

showtabcompetitormachines() ' display info on competitor machine listing tab


showinqbuttons() ' display inq tab

I had the same problem. I would bind a datagrid to 65 rows of data. I'd scroll down to the end of the list and select a cell, perhaps in row 62. I'd then click on a control outside the grid that would cause a re-bind the grid. The new underlying collection of items had less than 65 items, perhaps 50 rows. After re-binding the grid the DataGridTextBoxColumn edit method would fire, but it still had the old row number of the current cell (in this case rowNum would be 62). This would cause a No Value at Index 62 error, because this row no longer exists in the underlying collection. I fixed the problem by inserting the following code before the rebind.

MyDataGrid.CurrentCell = Nothing

By setting this property to nothing you're eliminating the call to edit that occurs after the binding. Hope this helps.


I have a form with a datagrid on it. If I 1) scroll to the right to a field that wasn't originally displayed on the grid 2) click on the header of that field to sort the datagrid 3) then scroll down to bottom area of the datagrid and selects a cell that is in the bottom righthand side of the grid (basically one that wasn't shown when datagrid 1st came up) 4) press a button that reloads the datagrid --- An error is generated "IndexOutOfRangeException: No value at index ###". The number(###) always changes. See full message below. I've tried just scrolling without sorting, and it had no error. If I sort without scrolling, it had no error. If I squish the fields over to the left so that the field I'm sorting with is on the original data grid -- then sort -- then scroll down to the bottom right cell --- it did not have an error. It seems to be a problem if I'm sorting on a colum is off to the right and I select a field that is below the area that was originally display. Does anyone have any ideas? I've included the error message and the area of code that reloads the datagrid. Line 3148 is dgForm1.DataSource = mydataview.

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