hi everyone. i have problem with SQL UPDATE command, with Add and Save Record, Delete Record and Search record, it works well, I have this code:

for SAVE Command button

squery = "": squery = "SELECT * FROM tblEmp WHERE EmpID=" & txtEmpID.Text & ""
Call ExecuteCommand
With rs
.Open squery, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic
.Fields("EmpID") = txtEmpID.Text
.Fields("LName") = txtLast.Text
.Fields("FName") = txtFirst.Text
.Fields("MName") = txtMiddle.Text
.Fields("Pos") = txtPos.Text
End With

for SEARCH Command Button

squery = "": squery = "SELECT * FROM tblEmp WHERE EmpID=" & txtEmpID.Text & ""
Call ExecuteCommand
With Me
.txtLast = rs!LName
.txtFirst = rs!FName
.txtMiddle = rs!MName
.txtPos = rs!POs
End With
squery = "": squery = "SELECT * FROM tblComp WHERE EmpID=" & txtEmpID.Text & ""
Call ExecuteCommand
With Me
.txtComp = rs!CName
.txtLoc = rs!Loc
End With

but with EDIT/UPDATE command button, how could I use SQL UPDATE statement?

sytax: UPDATE tblName
SET column1=value, column2=value
WHERE somecolumn=somevalue

how could I use this as above SQL (SAVE/SEARCH)..
I have txtboxes, how could i update the records contained in the textboxes displayed by the SEARCH(command button) query?


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All 8 Replies

With rs
.Open squery, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic
.Fields("EmpID") = txtEmpID.Text
.Fields("LName") = txtLast.Text
.Fields("FName") = txtFirst.Text
.Fields("MName") = txtMiddle.Text
.Fields("Pos") = txtPos.Text
End With

good morning.. thank you for the reply!

i just forgot the ".Edit" command.

i am using SQL UPDATE statement with this syntax:

UPDATE tblEmp SET LName=" & txtLast.Text & ",FName=" & txtFirst.Text & ",MName=" & txtMiddle.Text & ",Pos=" & txtPos.Text & " WHERE EmpID=" & txtEmpID.Text & ""

and it generates error,

anyway, thanks...

but wait, .Edit is neither method nor data member of ADODB Recordset.

thread closed. already found the solution. thanks...

but wait, .Edit is neither method nor data member of ADODB Recordset.

Hi Arvin2006,

though this is an old post..but i am stuck at same problem as you were that time...".edit" is neither method nor data member of ADODB recordset...so how do i edit my record??

Plz help..


With rs
.Open squery, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic
.Edit <--- REMOVE THIS
.Fields("EmpID") = txtEmpID.Text
.Fields("LName") = txtLast.Text
.Fields("FName") = txtFirst.Text
.Fields("MName") = txtMiddle.Text
.Fields("Pos") = txtPos.Text
End With

commented: thanks.. +1

Thanks...problem solved..
i was giving wrong arguments for open connections..



With rs
.Open squery, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic
.Edit <--- REMOVE THIS
.Fields("EmpID") = txtEmpID.Text
.Fields("LName") = txtLast.Text
.Fields("FName") = txtFirst.Text
.Fields("MName") = txtMiddle.Text
.Fields("Pos") = txtPos.Text
End With

With rs
.Open "SELECT * FROM employee where fname = '" & Me.txtsearch + "' ", con, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic

Me.txtaddress.Text & ",contact=" & Me.txtcontact.Text & ",pass=" & Me.txtpassword.Text & " WHERE fname=" & Me.txtsearch.Text & "", con
.Fields("lname") = Me.txtlname.Text
.Fields("address") = Me.txtaddress.Text
.Fields("pass") = Me.txtpassword.Text
.Fields("contact") = Me.txtcontact.Text

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