I am very new to vb6.0. I got these questions:
in vba 6.0, how to check if time is between today 6:00 PM and next day 6:00 AM then do something.
in vba 6.0, how to check if time is between today 1:00 AM and 6:00 AM then do something.
in vba 6.0, how to check if a path does not exist, create it.

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I'm not sure about the time questions but the path exists question may be answered by this:-

On Error Goto err_handler

Open "c:\test.txt" For Input As #1

Select Case Err.Number
       Case 53: Msgbox "File Not Found"
       Case 55: Msgbox "File Already Open"
       Case 71: Msgbox "Disk Not Ready"
End Select

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