9 Topics

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Member Avatar for eikal

Hello, i'm working on a simple program where i can enter a name and number and it will save it to notepad .txt file. I have everything figured out up until actually saving the text i enter. what code do i use to do this, in the program i have …

Member Avatar for Siva_6
Member Avatar for JavaPrograms

My task is to: Pick 10 of my favourite NBA or NHL players from 2 top teams and display the player name, team name, points, rebounds, and assists for each of them. I then have to store this information as a table in a .txt file (This part is completed). …

Member Avatar for David Kroukamp
Member Avatar for rhuffman8

I am trying to write code for a guestbook on my website that takes the input from a input text field and a textarea, writes the information to a .txt file and then displays the contents of the .txt file on the screen. This is the code I have so …

Member Avatar for rhuffman8
Member Avatar for rhuffman8

I wasn't sure which section to post this under but I am working on an assignment in SQL and have created a batch file to make the tables, load the data into the tables, and then sends several queries to sql to get results. Is there a way I can …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for rhuffman8

I wasn't sure which section to post this under but I am working on an assignment in SQL and have created a batch file to make the tables, load the data into the tables, and then sends several queries to sql to get results. Is there a way I can …

Member Avatar for rhuffman8
Member Avatar for 24x24

Ok I have another homework problem. Essentially I am to make a text file of randomized characters ( leters bothe upper and lower case, numbers, spaces and specialized characters) and import it as a string into my program. From there I am to make all lowercase letters uppercase. I think …

Member Avatar for 24x24
Member Avatar for a1a4a

Hello all I am working on a project that convert images to text , and load them from text , so i can save them online then load them as image . But if u could just give me a code of a project with a textbox where i write …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for goldfield

Hello all, I am attempting to write a program that takes the filenames of a number of files in a folder and sends the filenames to a text file. I am using freepascal compiler, can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for killerbeat

Hi, Daniweb members i have an listview containing an normal listviewitem plus one subitem What i want to do is save the info in the listview in a textfile and load when i start my program. So that all the info will be saved, but how do i do this? …

Member Avatar for codeorder

The End.