47 Topics

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Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Group, I can't seem to append multiple files into one text file. Unfortunately it's creating the first file but is not creating or appending the additional files into the first file. My code looks like this: getRestranName = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folderName) Dim counter As Integer = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(folderName).Count fileCount = Convert.ToInt32(counter) fileCount = …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for jarograv

Hi I am fairly new at pyhton and I am trying to create a program to append a new row of raw input to the bottom of my existing .csv file. So far I have this: [CODE]import csv x=1 y=1 n=0 citiesx=[] citiesy=[] city_names=[] total=input("How many cities do you have? …

Member Avatar for Wesley_1
Member Avatar for nadiam

hi. i got 2 tables next to each other: .contact-names & .guest-list and a left and a right button between those tables and a drop down list. by default both tables have the message "Please select an event" from the drop down. when an event is selected .contact-names will be …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for nadiam

hey guys. js: $(".addGuest-btn").live("click", function(){ /*in table2*/ var addG = $(this).parent(); var insert = '<tr><td class="insertG"><input type="text" class="add-name" placeholder="Doubleclick on a name."></td></tr>'; $(addG).append(insert);/*append into table2*/ }); }); $(".guests td").dblclick(function(){ /*table1 td*/ alert("double clicked!"); var name = $(this).clone(); $(".add-name").each(function(){ if($(this).val() == "") { $(this).append(name); } }); addGuest function works and appends …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for nadiam

hey guys. so i was thinking of creating this page that has 2 different tables : table1(table1 filled with names that are populated from database but lets not think about that part for now) and table2(empty), table1 rows are clickable and when doubleclick on one row the data in that …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for christopherbe11

I have this code:: name_list=[] name1=print(input("what is your name: ")) name_list.append(name1) print(name_list) it returns Jon [NONE] If i input a name jon. Why does it not append to list please?

Member Avatar for christopherbe11
Member Avatar for Jorox03

I am trying to add a comma to the end of each line ('\n') of a text file til the end of the file is reached. I am opening the file in append mode but am unsure as to how to go about identifying when the end of line is …

Member Avatar for Jorox03
Member Avatar for Social_psych

Hello, Has anyone ever repeatedly wrote to the same text file, using the append mode, and when examining the text file, several lines were missing? Here are the specifics to my code: 1. Each line in the output, the text file, contains data from one experimental session (e.g. the session …

Member Avatar for Social_psych
Member Avatar for krimgo

Hi, I've just started out with Python and I've been stuck on this problem for a few hours now trying to parse a file into a certain format.. I am trying to create a list in a list out of a list. I currently have this list; ['MPNRRRCKLSTAISTVATLAIASPCAYFLVYEPTASAKPAAKHYEFKQAASIADLPGEVLDAISQGLSQFGINL', 'MQLVDRVRGAVTGMSRRLVVGAVGAALVSGLVGAVGGTATAGAFSRPGLPVEYLQVPSPSMGRSELPGWLQA', 'etc'] …

Member Avatar for krimgo
Member Avatar for Nethran

Hi again! So, I have an object that gets appended to a linked list now. Now I need to have all of that item's data output in a formatted manner - something similar to this: CD Artist CD Title CD Length Track Name Track Length Arist name here Title here …

Member Avatar for Nethran
Member Avatar for Nethran

Basically, I'm getting an error when I try to append a CD object to my linked list. What error? This one: > First-chance exception at 0x550257aa (msvcr100d.dll) in Programming 3 Course Project.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xfeeefee2. > Unhandled exception at 0x550257aa (msvcr100d.dll) in Programming 3 Course Project.exe: 0xC0000005: …

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Member Avatar for littledevils326

Not sure if I am in the right section for this. I am currently designing a web page using javascript, html and css. The page is a seat booking seat which allows the user to select and unselect seats. I have managed to get the page to display id of …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for eternalcomplex

Hi, I'm learning python and I just started to learn about classes. To get a handle on this, I decided to make a black jack game and create 3 classes: deck, hand, and card. I created a card class, but I am not sure how I would implement it in …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for oldezwe

Ideally my program should work like this... Upon button click a random message (out of 3 messages) is appended to a text area(or pane, etc). One message should display blue, one green and one red. Currently I am using JTextPane. I have figured out how to append text easily but …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for mchung90

Hello! I am currently attempting to read all the lines from a text file, and append them to one long string. At the moment, it seems that the line that is read in keeps overriding the string, instead of appending it. I think it has something to do with the …

Member Avatar for nullptr
Member Avatar for Inshu

Can I append a list obtained from a Class as output outside the class , if Yes how ?? can i use userList for this purpose ?

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for prakhs

#include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> struct node { int data; struct node *link; }; void append (int data, struct node **s) { struct node *p, *q; if (*s == NULL) { p = (struct node *) malloc (sizeof (struct node)); p->data = data; p->link = NULL; *s = p; return; } …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Dani

Even though it's incredibly bad practice, most advertising servers still use document.write. It's terrible because placing `<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.ad-server.com/foo.js" />` where you want the ads to appear is page blocking. I'm trying to move the script tag to the very bottom of the page (so at least everything above it …

Member Avatar for Troy3
Member Avatar for cacofonix

Hi All, I am newbie to XML. I want to create only one XML file each day automatically using php function with the following format. I want to use the same function for appending the follwing portion into the existing XML file ## This portion need to append whenever the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

Hi all - I have the following variable in my code $url=urlencode(''.$token.''); How can I add &app_data=any_string_here to the above variable, everytime I add it, I get an error saying unexpected

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for JoThousand

Hi, I'm creating a bookmarks system for my web browser. I'm learning how to use XML files with VB.Net, so my bookmarks are stored in an XML file. When I want to add a new bookmark, the code below works, but it only allows for one bookmark. How can I …

Member Avatar for JoThousand
Member Avatar for Sudha Granger

void doc::add_title() { doc d; fstream f; int med_lic,flag=0; char new_title[20]; cout<<"\n\t\t\tADD NEW DOCTOR TITLE\n"; cout<<"\nEnter the Doctor's medical license number :\t"; cin>>med_lic; f.open("doctors.da t", ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); while(f.read((char*)&d,sizeof(doc))&&flag==0) { if(d.ret_med_no()==med_lic) //d is an object of class doc { cout<<"\nEnter the new title:\t";//ret_med_no() is an accessor function used to return a value …

Member Avatar for Sudha Granger
Member Avatar for gozo12

[CODE] Dim wri As New IO.StreamWriter("e:\test.txt", True) wri.WriteLine(ListBox1.SelectedItem, true) wri.Close())[/CODE] etc in llistbox1 items , "1" "f1" "f2" when i click for example f1 that code will save it and when i want you save the same item it wit will save it in other line and in test.text file …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for cartergarth

I did something like this: [CODE]$('#test').append("<option id='ddm'>added dropdown</option>");[/CODE] it shows its html in the browser but I can't see it when I view source, is this normal? Thanks.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for pwolf

The exercise says the following: """ Pairwise comparision of DNA sequences is a popular technique used in Bioinformatics. It usually involves some scoring scheme to express the degree of similarity. Write a function that compares two DNA sequences based on the following scoring scheme: +1 for a match, +3 for …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for konman795

Hi all, this is a homework assignment that I'm not sure how to begin with. We are given all the code and I just need to finish a function to convert digits to words. For example, the string "1, 2, and 3." becomes "One, Two, and Three." The String "10" …

Member Avatar for konman795
Member Avatar for pwolf

Create a function generateNumbers(num) that takes in a positive number as argument and returns a list of number from 0 to that number inclusive. Note: The function range(5) will return a list of number [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]. Examples [CODE] >>> generateNumber(1) [0, 1] >>> generateNumber(10) [0, 1, 2, …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for billmudry

Before I really dig in ----- HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! A few of you may remember that I have been working on producing a large wood knowledge base (woodsoftheworld.org). It is totally none profit. I am getting much closer to having enough working that soon I hope to be able …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for emorjon2

Hi all! I am developing a java-game where you are building with balls. It will connect to a server to create a huge map available for everybody playing this game.:) For this, I need a PHP-file who will append some urldata into the file data.txt, for adding a ball into …

Member Avatar for jantrancero

I want to build a script that does the following: The script should do make an arry from the directory where the script is with os.listdir(). Then the script has to test if the value in the array already excists in the outcome file, if not the name in the …

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The End.