Re: Time To Wake everyone up - Words Within Words Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ahihihi... bi cycle ice Garfield Re: Time To Wake everyone up - Words Within Words Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ahihihi... bi lie mob varruckt bi directional sorting datagrid web application Programming Web Development by tmatini Dear friends It would be appreciated if some body tell me a complete example about bi directional sorting datagrid web application.some examples handling this problem by XML.i am looking for best way please lead me the best. thanks Touradj Re: SSIS works in BI but not in SQL 2005 schedule Programming Databases by renvilo No in BI I setup a package to connecto to DR server with… a flatfile on the network. If I run this in BI it runs 100%. If I add this to a job…'s very important data and and and.... lol... So the BI and the SQL uses the same SQL Statement and they… the same server... If I run the package (not in BI or SQL, just running it) it works as well. DW/BI Project Documentaion Programming Databases by Pradeepbc … final year project I am hoping to do a DW/BI (Data warehouse/Business Intelligence) project. I am very much interested… some information on creating a final year project on DW/BI. or the please to find resources it will be a… SSIS works in BI but not in SQL 2005 schedule Programming Databases by renvilo …. I am new to SSIS. I created a SSIS in BI and when I run it it works fine (All it… username and password. But why will it work fine in BI but I can't flippen schedule the thing? I have… Re: SSIS works in BI but not in SQL 2005 schedule Programming Databases by renvilo … account? With what security? But why is this working in BI and not in SQL? Thanks again Re: SSIS works in BI but not in SQL 2005 schedule Programming Databases by Ramy Mahrous In BI I think you mentioned that you connecting to your local server but in SQL you're connecting to another server! right or I misunderstood! Re: Career dilemma - ASP.NET or DW/BI career Community Center by xkey … an background who has just moved into DW/BI work? Please save my soul and share me your thoughts… you stick with .NET devel or become skilled at DW/BI. C++ya, xkey Career dilemma - ASP.NET or DW/BI career Community Center by lindylee … an background who has just moved into DW/BI work? Please save my soul and share me your thoughts… How to establish bi-directional communication between 2 routers on 2 subnets Hardware and Software Networking by inthespotlite82 … Internet via a cable modem. I would like to establish bi-directional communication between the two routers, while maintaining two separate… hibarnate Bi-directional associations Programming Software Development by udayangaS hi, i,m newbe to hibernate. can any one explains how to do bi- directional associations in hibernate . cheers... udayanga db script in BI Programming Software Development by aragmus what is the definition of db script in BI? Sony Vaio VPCEE25f X/BI wont boot Hardware and Software Hardware by randouche … computer didnt start. (??) I have a Sony Vaio VPCEE25f X/BI My OS is Windows 7 what i notice when i… Re: Career dilemma - ASP.NET or DW/BI career Community Center by BlindArcher … or Java guys. . + too much skills are expected from us(BI guys). They leave the whole database side of the project… Any one discussing IBM Cognos BI? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by sandeep8000861 Hi All This is my first post trying to find any one discussing IBM Cognos BI? SP Re: Any one discussing IBM Cognos BI? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by sandeep8000861 Yep. I have a good track record somewhere else Despite being a Daniweb member for a long time, I thought of finding if I can really contribute on IBM Cognos BI. Re: and Coolwebsearch :( Hardware and Software Information Security by RaineX …C:\RECYCLER\NPROTECT\00001005.exe -> C:\RECYCLER\NPROTECT\00001006.dll -> Spyware.…C:\WINDOWS\_MSRSTRT.EXE:ngehct -> C:\WINDOWS\_MSRSTRT.EXE:nhbaxe -> TrojanDownloader.Agent.…C:\WINDOWS\_MSRSTRT.EXE:zwmgek -> ::Report End And here is my Hijack log:… Kinda weird CArray problem Programming Software Development by RonalBertogi …(&bi, 0, sizeof bi); switch( *pszInfo ) { case bfButton: s++; bi.L = x + 4; if( xType==bfButton ) bi.L += 4; bi.R = bi.L + 24; bi.wFlags… I need ur help Programming Software Development by santi.ayasamy … == '1') { if (Alen == Abi.bitLength()) { BigInteger bi = new BigInteger( "11111110", 2); BigInteger big = … == '1') { if (Alen == Abi.bitLength()) { BigInteger bi = new BigInteger( "11111110", 2); BigInteger big = … [Help] unkown .lev file decrypted Programming Game Development by duo8668 …t < - C t < - C D Bi t < - C i t < - … C.{ 9 H= C _33 D Bi t < i t <…t < i t < ( Bi t < ( Bi t < ( B t < … Problem in Java Programming Software Development by Anuradha Mandal …{ bi =; w = bi.getWidth(null); h = bi.getHeight(null); if (bi.getType()…data), ConvolveOp.EDGE_NO_OP, null); g2.drawImage(bi, cop, 0, 0); break; case… Default parameter problem Programming Software Development by Labdabeta …(BE),STRN_(BF),STRN_(BG),STRN_(BH),STRN_(BI),STRN_(BJ)) #define _63_(A,B,C…(BE),STRN_(BF),STRN_(BG),STRN_(BH),STRN_(BI),STRN_(BJ),STRN_(BK)) template <typename …=space,char *BG=space,char *BH=space,char *BI=space,char *BJ=space,char *BK=space) { …AY,AZ,BA,BB,BC,BD,BE,BF,BG,BH,BI,BJ,BK); fclose(fERROR); fclose(fEXIT); exit(-1… writing text in screenshot Programming Software Development by lelejau bi; bi.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bi.biWidth = bmpScreen.bmWidth; bi.biHeight = bmpScreen.bmHeight; bi.biPlanes = 1; bi.biBitCount = 32; bi.biCompression = BI_RGB; bi.biSizeImage = 0; bi.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bi.biYPelsPerMeter… Need help with Classic BigInt Programming Software Development by gwolf1 …++; counter1++; } // printf("INITIAL ZERO = %d \n", bi->initialzero); return bi; } void bi_tostring(const bigint*, char*); Writes the bigint into… Re: Operator Overloading issue Programming Software Development by godsgift2dagame …;(bi) || operator==(bi));}; bool operator>=(Finance bi) {return !operator<(bi);}; bool operator<=(Finance bi) {return !operator>(bi);}; bool operator!=(Finance bi) {return !operator==(bi AVIStreamSetFormat error Programming Software Development by danrt …(IntPtr psCompress) { BITMAPINFOHEADER bi = new BITMAPINFOHEADER(); bi.biSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(bi); bi.biWidth = (Int32)_width; bi.biHeight = (Int32)_height; bi.biPlanes = 1; bi.biBitCount = (short)_frameRate… Yet another AURORA problem Hardware and Software Information Security by TwoThirtyEight …with backup C:\WINDOWS\appqh.exe -> : Cleaned with backup C:\WINDOWS\cfgmgr52.dll ->…with backup C:\WINDOWS\winxb32.exe -> : Cleaned with backup C:\WINDOWS\xysrqfio.exe ->… C:\WINDOWS\_default.pif:jerify -> : Cleaned with backup C:\WINDOWS\_default.pif:lxrooz … convert c++ code to python... please help me T-T Programming Software Development by @jassmine97 … h[i]=x[i+1]-x[i]; } ai[0]=0; bi[0]=1.0; ci[0]=0.0; di[0]=0….0; ai[n]=0; bi[n]=1.0; ci[n]=0.0; di[n]=0…;i<=n;i++) { m=ai[i]/bi[i-1]; bi[i]=bi[i]-m*ci[i-1]; di[i]=di[…i--) { S[i]=(di[i]-ci[i]*S[i+1])/bi[i]; } cout<<"g(i) \t a… Browse for folder returning garbage value Programming Software Development by Creator07 …if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetMalloc(&pMalloc))) { bi.hwndOwner = hwnd; bi.pidlRoot = NULL; bi.pszDisplayName = NULL; bi.lpszTitle = L"Browse for …folder"; bi.ulFlags = BIF_STATUSTEXT; bi.lpfn = BrowseForFolderCallback; bi.lParam = (LPARAM)lpszFolder; pidl = SHBrowseForFolder(&bi); if (pidl) {…