Re: Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by aishamushtaq Absolutely, I appreciate the reminder. If you're experiencing difficulties with your CRM's workflow feature, it might be beneficial to provide more details about the specific steps you've taken so far to troubleshoot the issue. That way, others in the community can offer more targeted assistance or suggest alternative solutions based on your … '30% of Activities Performed by Humans Could Be Automated with AI' Community Center by Johannes C. … is simple. **Imagine tomorrow there were 30 billion people on the planet. But only 8 billion people needed an income.** So, what… Summarizing YouTube Video Transcriptions Using Distil Whisper and LLM Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … LLM instead of Mistral-7B. Mistral-7B consists of seven billion parameters. It requires a large amount of memory to use… Re: Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by Dani I'm happy to live in Silicon Valley :) Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Google Gemma From HuggingFace Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … model weights for the `gemma-2b-it` model, a 2 billion parameters instruction variant of Gemma. ``` model_name = "google/gemma-2b… your dataset. I suggest you try the Gemma 7b (seven billion parameters) model to see if you get better responses. 7 NLP Tasks to Perform for Free in Python with Mistral 7b LLM Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … article will explore leveraging the Mistral 7b Instruct model (seven billion parameters) to execute seven common NLP tasks within your Python… Instruct Model Mistral 7b is a large model with seven billion parameters. We will quantize it by reducing its weight precisions… Fine Tuning Google Gemma Model for Text Classification in Python Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … language models (LLMs). As per initial results, its 7b (seven billion parameter) version is known to perform better than Meta's… Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by Johannes C. …://**—startups valued over $1 billion—shows that the US is home to 656 out of… together only represent 8.8% of startups valued over $1 billion* Can you name one European tech company that has brought… billion in the building Community Center Say Hello! by billion billion in the building. I joined Daniweb cos of the state of my php, mysql, javascript, xml - basically all my web languages. make sure you anwser/reply my questions even the dumb ones! Re: billion in the building Community Center Say Hello! by jasimp Welcome! You should get great answers as long as you show some effort (which generally means code). Re: billion in the building Community Center Say Hello! by thunderstorm98 Hi there, Welcome to DaniWeb ! Feel free to stick around.. Re: billion in the building Community Center Say Hello! by ryan_vietnow Wooohooo!Happy PHP-ing!!! Re: billion in the building Community Center Say Hello! by zandiago Welcome aboard…..hope you’ll enjoy it here…..well, start posting!!! Re: Billion numbers to word c language program Programming Software Development by Rein Valdez … numbers greater than 0"); else { pw((n/1000000000),"Billion"); pw(((n/100000000)%100),"Hundred Million"); pw… Who posted 5 billion Tweets in 4 months? Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek … of Twitter have posted a combined total of some 5 billion Tweets. Or have they? Well, there's no doubting… the 10 billion tweets figure, that's as official as they come. However…an existing one. Instead it seems likely that those 5 billion Tweets include messages which are not original, in other … Video Game Industry Generates $4.9 Billion for U.S. Economy in 2009 Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Glass_Joe … (August 10), the video game industry put $4.9 billion dollars in the U.S. economy’s back pocket in… respectively. California is the largest employer, providing $2.6 billion in direct and indirect compensation to its 13,041 workers…. The Golden State's gaming companies contributed $2.1 billion into the local economy, a number that increase 11.4… Yahoo's $20 Billion Man Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Brian.oco … only watch helplessly as the company lost $20 billion in value under the reign of Jerry Yang. … an obscene amount of value - that $20 billion I mentioned above. In the hours after Yang …to over $12 per share - a $2 billion hike in the company's value, according to …, then, to Jerry Yang; Yahoo's $20 billion man. All of a sudden, for Yang and … Bailout Blues: Congress Is Selling Us a $700 Billion Bill of (No) Goods Hardware and Software macOS by Brian.oco …the House on Monday, the Treasury Department gets $250 billion immediately to start buying up banks' and other financial … by those mortgages.” “If needed, an additional $100 billion is available at the discretion of the president, and a… final $350 billion is on the table, unless Congress resolves to take … Breaking: The 4.5 Billion Russian Web Data Heist Programming Web Development by happygeek … theft includes, wait for it, no less than 1.2 billion (yes billion) username and passwords along with around half a… billion email addresses obtained from more than 400,000 websites. In… Security says, the stolen data amounts to some 4.5 billion items. According to the [report](… Microsoft in $44 billion bid for Yahoo! Community Center by happygeek … this was flatly rejected by Yahoo! Mind you, $44.6 billion doesn't sound too unfriendly to me it has to… market cap of more than $100 billion only eight years ago to just $25.6 billion last week. By contrast, Microsoft has… Consumer electronics revenue to hit $700 billion by 2009 Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by happygeek … will jump 10 percent this year, reaching a staggering $700 billion by next year. In its Worldwide Consumer Electronics Sales &…; Forecast report, the CEA says that consumers will spend $42 billion more in 2009 than they did in 2008, despite the… products as a genre will shift more than 1.5 billion units this year. Top of the mobile pops are GPS… Would you pay £28.8 billion for broadband? Hardware and Software macOS by happygeek … in the UK will be as high as £28.8 billion... The [URL=""]Broadband Stakeholder… across the UK would be somewhere between UKP £5.1 billion at the bottom end and that incredible UKP £28.8… billion at the top. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the costs of deploying to … No iTunes required for 2.1 billion mobile music downloads Hardware and Software macOS by happygeek … that, in the UK market, there were some 1.5 billion 'legal' music downloads last year. That's covering all bases… the Sony Ericsson and Nokia portals. How does 2.1 billion downloads of 'mobile music' in the UK grab you? The… the ages of 16 and 64, with that 2.1 billion number being arrived at by multiplying the number who expressed… $1 billion of Google display-ads driven by YouTube Digital Media Digital Marketing by newsguy …display-ad sales. Google is expected to generate $1 billion in sales this year from display advertising. Although that…and 2007. First Google purchased YouTube for $1.65 billion followed by DoubleClick for $3.1 million. Sure, display…account for around $700 million of that predicted $1 billion revenue. Which begs the question, where is your online… Intel Purchases Internet Security Juggernaut McAfee for $7.68 Billion Hardware and Software Information Security by Glass_Joe … $48 a share, a deal approximately worth $7.68 billion. McAfee will act as a wholly-owned subsidiary and report…saw its profits soar to record heights, reaching $2.9 billion, a number which shadowed the $445 million in profits … eclipsed year-over-year profits by a massive $3.3 billion. McAfee, the world’s largest security technology company, saw … Networking Problems With NetComm NP1100 Ethernet Adaptors and Billion 5100 router Hardware and Software Networking by Genie2004 … all began when we purchased a 15m CAT5e cable, a Billion 5100 Router, and two NetComm NP1100 Fast Ethernet Adaptors. My… holes and the cable, it all looked pretty neat. The Billion 5100 is supposed to be able to be pinged from… Need help for the code Billion number to string conversion Programming Software Development by Rein Valdez … be in the portion of getting the cents and the Billion it just because of the limitation of the long datatype… numbers greater than 0"); else { //pw((n/1000000000),"Billion"); pw((n/100000000),"Hundred"); pw(((n/1000000… Online Gambling Could Make $48 Billion for U.S. Digital Media Digital Marketing by slfisher … online ads noting that legal online gambling could raise $48 billion for the deficit-plagued U.S. government. "At a… is at record levels, regulation will raise up to $48 billion over 10 years," according to the [URL="http… Number bigger than 10 billion? Programming Software Development by george61 … type that stores something bigger than 10 billion. Double works fine to about 8.4 billion. Of course I tried using long… Moore's Law busted by 57.5 billion iPads full of data Hardware and Software Hardware by happygeek [ATTACH=right]21490[/ATTACH]Imagine lining up 57.5 billion Apple iPads to build a wall measuring about 4000 miles … choc-a-bloc with data. 1.8 zettabytes (or 1 billion terabytes if you prefer) of it to be precise. That…